I found this one pretty hard. White mates in 3. In hindsight, it probably isn't that hard.
watching you...
Originally posted by prosoccer In hindsight, it probably isn't that hard.
my island
Originally posted by prosoccer I found this one pretty hard. White mates in 3. [fen]r1b5/pp4p1/3Qp1p1/k2pN3/5P2/3B4/PP3qPP/n1B4K w - - 0 1 [/fen] In hindsight, it probably isn't that hard.
Originally posted by trevor33 never mind
Originally posted by prosoccer If Qc5 then Qxc5
Bd2........Qxd2 Qc5........Ka4 Qb5#
My Ranch
Originally posted by master1013 Bd2........Qxd2 Qc5........Ka4 Qb5#
on the payroll
Originally posted by TEXASmade dang, ur program's pretty good!
i didn't use a program for this one. i just used my head.😀🙄
He hasn't got any cos he spends all his life playin online chess!!! *Tumbleweed*
right.... lol no actually i'm just good at puzzles like that
got any more for me?
Originally posted by master1013 got any more for me?
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