Only Chess
22 May 08
Originally posted by ivan2908White can't get a Rook to g8
[fen]2kr4/p4Q1p/1ppq4/8/4n3/5P2/P2bN1PP/1R3K1R w - - 0 22[/fen]
The position arose after
1. Qxf7 Nxe4
2. fxe4??
was an obvious falling for the cheap trap.
And the winning move is :
2. Rg8 !!!!!??
I never request takebacks in blitz games, but this just hurts. 😞
2. ...Rg8 is what you fear?
Originally posted by ivan2908I think that should be 2..Rf8.
[fen]2kr4/p4Q1p/1ppq4/8/4n3/5P2/P2bN1PP/1R3K1R w - - 0 22[/fen]
The position arose after
1. Qxf7 Nxe4
2. fxe4??
was an obvious falling for the cheap trap.
And the winning move is :
2. Rg8 !!!!!??
I never request takebacks in blitz games, but this just hurts. 😞
I don't believe the move merits 5 exclamation marks though (or any question marks).
Originally posted by ivan2908Unlucky... takebacks aren't possible, are they?
[fen]2kr4/p4Q1p/1ppq4/8/4n3/5P2/P2bN1PP/1R3K1R w - - 0 22[/fen]
The position arose after
1. Qxf7 Nxe4
2. fxe4??
was an obvious falling for the cheap trap.
And the winning move is :
2... Rg8 !!!!!??
I never request takebacks in blitz games, but this just hurts. 😞