"wonder what GP's first Greco Counter gambit was like?"
Not a brilliant game, but back then I was not a brilliant player ( 🙂 )
Database shows p.60 w. 45! D 6 L 9 with the Latvian.
(two of the draws are from GM simuls v Shamkovich and Aagaard - they don't really count.)
I started playing it because I saw in it described as an opening for exciting
players who are not afraid to take a risk.
The losses were real hammerings, one mistake against a good guy and bang.
The majority of wins were in the 70's early 80's. Then I booked up
on it and saw what a load of crap it was. (true). The worse thing I ever did
was open a book on the Latvian.
Before then it was all made up OTB - which was what my opponents were usually doing.
(I have a 100% - touch wood - record as White v the Latvian. P.3 in serios OTB games.)
D. Kelly - G. Chandler BAOR Championship, 1973
Funnily enough I can remember this game, I can cleary recall sitting there,
what he looked like and even some of my thinking.
Sometimes I cannot even remember what I was doing last week.