Originally posted by pinnacleIf you created the folder you are almost there.
I have created a new folder on RHP to store some of my games in instead of just using the standard folders. But how do I put games into this folder ??? Any ideas??
Click "Manage Games" next to "My Games" (big long button over your list in 'inbox'😉
You should be in the Inbox, and click the box next to the desired game.
If all you see on the left of your screen is a triangle, you need to click that to open the Manage Games box. There you will see an option called "Put in folder".
Game selected, click Put in folder... all set.
Go back to My Games, and go back to Inbox if not already there. Don't get lost in your folders or we may never see you again.
I have only just started using them and I have two additional folders one for great games I have won against bigger opponents and one for great games I have lost against poorer opponents. The idea is to try and learn from my defeats and bathe in the glory of my great wins (which are few and far between).