In OTB chess the Fried Liver Attack is fantastic and all but unstoppable against opponents rated below, say, 1800 ELO.
It tends to be weaker players who play 5. ... Nxd5, which may help explain why White almost always wins in this opening (I have 21 wins out of 21 in tournament / league OTB games).
Even in correspondence chess the Fried Liver is excellent and Black has to play very well to survive it.
Originally posted by vuelveWhite is simply much better after 8. Bxd5 Qf6 (say) 9. Bxc6+ Qxc6 10. Qxc6+ bxc6. White is a pawn up and Black has doubled C pawns and an isolated E pawn.
Play usually continues:
7. Qf3+ Ke6
8. Nc3
Black will play 8...Nb4 or 8...Ne7 and follow up with ...c6
but whats wrong if he plays 7...Ke8??
Originally posted by Mephisto26.d4 is worth of consideration. Maybe its even better than 6.Nxf7, but in my opinion sacrifice on f7 is worth of it even in CC.
Isn't 6.d4 better than 6.Nxf7? I thought you can defer the sac on f7 until the knight becomes attacked. The more development white gets before that, the easier the win.