I thought I'd train blitz against fritz 9, and set the handicap level on 2082. is there some other setting that's making it to throw the game, because frankly, this was way too easy.
[Event "Handicap and Fun"]
[Site "f"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "wormwood"]
[Black "Fritz 9"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "103"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 Be7 5. e3
Ne4 {-0.35/0} 6. a3 Bh4 {-0.11/0} 7. Nxe4 dxe4 {0.58/5} 8. Nxh4 Qxh4 {0.21/0}
9. g3 Qe7 {0.34/0} 10. b4 e5 {-0.28/0} 11. d5 Qf6 {-0.39/0} 12. Qa4+ Nd7 {
-0.73/0} 13. c5 Qf3 {-0.53/0} 14. Rg1 h6 {-0.53/0} 15. Bg2 Qh5 {0.86/0} 16.
Bxe4 Qg4 {0.85/0} 17. f3 Qh3 {1.02/0} 18. Qc2 Nf8 {1.31/0} 19. Bb2 Nd7 {2.15/0}
20. c6 Nf6 {2.72/5} 21. O-O-O Qh5 {2.39/0} 22. g4 Qg5 {1.84/0} 23. Qc3 O-O {
1.65/0} 24. Qxe5 Nxe4 {1.64/0} 25. Qxe4 bxc6 {1.98/0} 26. f4 Qh4 {1.58/0} 27.
Qd4 f6 {2.12/0} 28. f5 Qxh2 {1.39/0} 29. e4 Qe2 {1.11/0} 30. dxc6 Re8 {2.45/0}
31. Rde1 Qb5 {1.72/0} 32. Qd5+ Qxd5 {2.09/0} 33. exd5 Kf8 {2.09/0} 34. b5 Kf7 {
2.32/0} 35. Rh1 a6 {2.01/0} 36. Rxe8 Kxe8 {2.90/0} 37. b6 cxb6 {3.17/0} 38. d6
Kd8 {3.41/0} 39. Bd4 Bd7 {4.14/0} 40. Bxb6+ Kc8 {4.14/0} 41. cxd7+ Kxd7 {4.16/0
} 42. Bc7 Rc8 {4.13/0} 43. Kd2 Re8 {4.42/0} 44. Re1 Rxe1 {0.62/0} 45. Kxe1 Ke8
{1.20/0} 46. Ke2 h5 {1.70/0} 47. gxh5 Kd7 {6.31/0} 48. Kd3 Kc8 {6.25/0} 49. Kc4
Kd7 {7.41/0} 50. Kc5 a5 {10.49/0} 51. Kb5 a4 {7.10/0} 52. Kxa4 1-0
funny how it thinks the game is about equal after exchanging rooks, but I guess it just didn't have the time to look deep enough to realize it's totally lost...
The new Fritz is like an aircraft cockpit and I haven't gotten used to it. I prefer an engine like GNUChess or Surprise with an opening book so that you get 2000-2200 opposition. I would be willing to bet you that 99% of players here could not beat GNUChess 5 with an opening book (and the human does not consult any opening books).