This position just came up in one of my games. What's white's best move?
Behind the computer.
Is it Qg5? If Kh7, Qxh5+. Anything other move, then Qh6.
On second thought, Ng5 also wins. Followed by Qxh5
try Qxh5 first. Its more forcing.
Qxh5 is correct. It's a mate in 4.
But all three solutions work, right?
classic mating pattern, this one is a must-know. It's in a lesson inside the first Yusupov book.
Range blasts only Qh5 I think will be mate in 4. The other moves win but it takes longer I think. Black might play ...Qb8 threatening to take on h2 in some of the other variations.
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