What do readers think of my game 608674? Observers used to shower the board with gold coins after watching such a display! Well, enough with the hyperbole, but the reader should enjoy playing over this 42 move delightful game. Notice how after being two pawns down by mid-game, Black finds the right plan. The Black Queen, using the black diagonals b8 - a2 and h8 - a1, with co-operation from the remaining Black Rook, win back a pawn, and more importantly quaranteen the White Queen to the first rank, and along with the ever ready Black Knight and five remaining Black pawns, deliver a smother mate of the best kind. It's a beaut! How do I submit this for consideration for 'The Game of The Month'?
Originally posted by rcstasYou last 10 or so moves were nice indeed (as opposed to several among the first 25). But it takes two sides to make the 'game of the month'. White spoiled a won game. Just a few examples:
What do readers think of my game 608674? Observers used to shower the board with gold coins after watching such a display! Well, enough with the hyperbole, but the reader should enjoy playing over this 42 move delightful game. Notice how after being two pawns down by mid-game, Black finds the right plan. The Black Queen, using the black diagonals b8 - a2 ...[text shortened]... est kind. It's a beaut! How do I submit this for consideration for 'The Game of The Month'?
28.e5! (instead of Nh4) followed by Qf5 and (if black doesn't exchange queens to be two pawns down) e6 and black is forced to exchange queens and be in a lost endgame
30.f4 (instead of f3) followed by e5 again and then both Qc3 (to avoid Qa1) and Qd3 (more active, giving up the pa<n on a2) leave white with the better chances.
35.f4 (instead of Kh1) followed by e5 and white is still a very healthy pawn up with no black initiative.
Nice game anyway! Well done.