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Game Analysis (Should I Have Lost?)

Game Analysis (Should I Have Lost?)

Only Chess

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I was playing as White and felt that the pivotal error early on was preventing b5 with a4 on move 11 instead of Bc1g5. To make matters worse, I missed the opportunity again by playing 13. a3 and he was able to bust up my queenside. By move 18 I was sure that he'd open up the a and/or b files and bring a lot of pressure by I was able to patch it up before he could do more damage.

My opponent offered a draw on move 33 but I declined because I thought I saw a way to create a passed pawn after playing d4 with the king nearby to occupy d3. He later blundered and resigned before I could attempt this.

So, any thoughts on how black could have won this - particularily from move 18 on? And, on a side note, as a forum noob, how do I post the playable game board into a post?

Link to a game: Game 7381546

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Originally posted by 93confirmed
on a side note, as a forum noob, how do I post the playable game board into a post?

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I dont know, im just a newbie but I think I might have played 18....bxa3 19.bxa3. It removes whites doubled pawn and creates a lose pawn for black, but it does prevent that side from getting stuck with the pawns.
19.....c5 Then prepare a4.

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Originally posted by 93confirmed
I was playing as White and felt that the pivotal error early on was preventing b5 with a4 on move 11 instead of Bc1g5. To make matters worse, I missed the opportunity again by playing 13. a3 and he was able to bust up my queenside. By move 18 I was sure that he'd open up the a and/or b files and bring a lot of pressure by I was able to patch it up before ...[text shortened]... noob, how do I post the playable game board into a post?

Link to a game: Game 7381546

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Mephisto - how did you post that? The only thing I saw in the FAQ was how to post static boards with FEN. Do you have any thoughts on this game?

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you might be interested in the Alekhine's continuation in this game.


The move order is slightly different, but before your seventh move you arrived at the same position. He chose to play Na4 and after the error ...Ne5 it led a well-known mating pattern.

There are also 2 games from the same era by Spielmann which contain the same plan Na4 Nxc6

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Originally posted by 93confirmed
Mephisto - how did you post that? The only thing I saw in the FAQ was how to post static boards with FEN. Do you have any thoughts on this game?
Use the FAQ on the 'interactive game' part of posting 'pgn' ... '/pgn' (but with brackets instead of '. Copy the pgn from your gamelink and paste it in-between the two.

On the game, at move 18, instead of c5, black could have played Bg5, to eliminate the black squared bishops, before exchanging pawns on the queenside (bxa3 and/or a4 and if b4 from white then Qb6 and c5). That should give him a promising initiative.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
Use the FAQ on the 'interactive game' part of posting 'pgn' ... '/pgn' (but with brackets instead of '. Copy the pgn from your gamelink and paste it in-between the two.

On the game, at move 18, instead of c5, black could have played Bg5, to eliminate the black squared bishops, before exchanging pawns on the queenside (bxa3 and/or a4 and if b4 from white then Qb6 and c5). That should give him a promising initiative.
Thanks for the tip.

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after 36. ...f6 instead of h6, I think the game is easily black's. He has the three to two pawn majority on the kingside, while his other pawns are able to hold yours on the queenside. If the rooks come off, should easily be a won endgame for black.

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