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Games Against GMs

Games Against GMs

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I've only played GMs in simuls, and here is an interesting game I had. Do any of you have an interesting wins, draws, or losses, against GMs?

[Event "Simultaneous exhibition"]
[Date "2008.06]
[Round "?"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "Federowicz, John P."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A57"]
[WhiteElo "1686"]
[BlackElo "2540"]
[EventDate "2008.06"]

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I've played a few grandmasters in tournaments or matches (where I've stood in for a strong player from my club who didn't turn up) and lost them all.

The last time I played a grandmaster was a few months ago in a simul. I managed to draw this one with Black, though Mr Fritz found a nice tactic which he missed on move 22. In the end position I'm threatening 39. ... Bxd5 with an easy opposite coloured bishop drawn ending.

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Originally posted by chesskid001
I've only played GMs in simuls, and here is an interesting game I had. Do any of you have an interesting wins, draws, or losses, against GMs?
well, it may be obvious for some, it is not for me I'm afraid - why both of you were so adamantly stubborn there (no offence!) ? would giving in by either of you have had some serious consequences? thanks...

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
I've played a few grandmasters in tournaments or matches (where I've stood in for a strong player from my club who didn't turn up) and lost them all.

The last time I played a grandmaster was a few months ago in a simul. I managed to draw this one with Black, though Mr Fritz found a nice tactic which he missed on move 22. In the end position I'm threateni . hxg4 hxg4
35. Ke2 g3 36. Ba4 Ke7 37. Nd5+ Kd6 38. Bd1 Be6 1/2-1/2
How do you get to hear where and when a GM is going to be putting on a display. I'd love to play one in a Simul. I've even thought about trying to organise one for my club ( Aylesbury).

Wouldn't know where to start though?

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Originally posted by Talisman
How do you get to hear where and when a GM is going to be putting on a display. I'd love to play one in a Simul. I've even thought about trying to organise one for my club ( Aylesbury).

Wouldn't know where to start though?
There's no hard and fast rule. Sometimes the simuls are organised by a club, who pay for the GM to come and play their players. Sometimes it may be a former member of the club, for example Jon Speelman often does a simul at Oxford University. The organiser of the simul will usually only look outside of his club if he needs to make up the numbers.

In my case, Nick Pert had organised a junior tournament which ended with him giving a simul to anyone who wanted to play him, including parents if there were spare places.

Do you belong to Aylesbury Chess Club? There's a pretty good chance that Peter Wells will be doing a simul in Oxford sometime in the next couple of months. If you PM me your e-mail address I'll let you know if I hear any more about it.

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
There's no hard and fast rule. Sometimes the simuls are organised by a club, who pay for the GM to come and play their players. Sometimes it may be a former member of the club, for example Jon Speelman often does a simul at Oxford University. The organiser of the simul will usually only look outside of his club if he needs to make up the numbers.

In my c ...[text shortened]... le of months. If you PM me your e-mail address I'll let you know if I hear any more about it.
Fantastic. I'll send over a PM.


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Originally posted by Renars
well, it may be obvious for some, it is not for me I'm afraid - why both of you were so adamantly stubborn there (no offence!) ? would giving in by either of you have had some serious consequences? thanks...
White's threat was Nf5, which would be give white a clear advantage because of the active placement of the knight and the possibility of trading off the Bishop on g7. Black played Bc8 to stop Nf5, and so the idea of Bf5 was to trade off the light square Bishops to leave f5 uncontested for the knight. Black retreated his Bishop, and white retreated his, once again threatening Nf5, black moved back to c8, and the position repeated three times...

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I played Peter Leko (supposedly).

It was on chesshere and he disconnected.

For those reasons I would rather not post it especially since it is not clear that it was actually him.

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Originally posted by chesskid001
I've only played GMs in simuls, and here is an interesting game I had. Do any of you have an interesting wins, draws, or losses, against GMs?

[Event "Simultaneous exhibition"]
[Date "2008.06]
[Round "?"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "Federowicz, John P."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A57"]
[WhiteElo "1686"]
[BlackElo "2540"]
[EventDate "2008.06"]

[pg ...[text shortened]... b3 a5 23. Nh4 Bc8 24. Bf5 Bb7 25. Bd3 Bc8 26. Bf5 Bb7 27. Bd3 1/2-1/2 [/pgn]
I don't know about this. It seems to me that you were scared to go for the win and just settled for a draw.

First, after 24.Nf5 Bxf5 25.Bxf5 you will be able to get your other knight to f5.

Second, I like 24.Rfe1 if 24...Rxe1 then 25.Rxe1 and 26.Ne4 and Black's situation is pretty bad. At this point Black's king is poorly defended and you have more space in the center, control of the e-file(black can't play ...Re8?? because of Nxf6+) you can safely sacrifice a piece to open the king even more because Black's dark squared bishop is not able to help defend and all black threatens is to open the a-file but that has no potency since he will have nor target to attack. In other words, you have a win here.... You have something to play for while black has absolutely nothing... Black will have to defend.

If, say, 24...a4 then 25.Rxe8 Rxe8 26.Ng6?! (not properly analyzed and probably not best) fxg6 26.Bxg6 Ra8 27.Re1 and it looks pretty good still and if 26...Qd7 then 27.Ndf3(moving your knight closer to the attack and preparing for 28.Re1)

Fritz will probably refute 26.Ng6 but people don't defend correctly especially when playing a bunch of games at the same time.

If you want to go for the win "safely" you can play 24.Rfe1 a4 25.Bd3 now since 25...Bc8 26.Rxe8 Nxe8 27.Bh7+ Kf8 28.Re1 Nf6? 29.Ng6+! fxg6 30.Qxg6 Bd7? 31.Re7! Kxe7 32.Qxg7+ Kd8 33.Qxf6+ Ke8 34.Bg6#

30...Qd8 31.Ne4 Nxe4 32.Rxe4 and game over

30...axb3! 31.axb3 Bd7 32.Ne4 Re8 33.f3 Nxe4 34.fxe4! Now white has the f file open. So he will play Rf1xf4+ Black's king will get away for now but you will have 2 connected passed pawns for the attack.

Now after all that I probably still missed things... Mainly because it was quick and didn't look through as much as I could... it wasn't thorough because my point was that you shouldn't just give up against a GM especially with a position like that.

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I've beaten Artur Jusopov in a simul - I've posted the pgn here before.

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I lost to Tigran Petrosian in a simul in 1979, but got him to autograph his life and games book.
Drew with Larry Christianson in a simul.
Lost to Alexander Ivanov in the 1988 US Open.
I lost about a dozen skittles games with Igor Ivanov, won none.
I lost to Ron Henley in the Texas Championship.

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At least one RHP-er has beaten Kasparov in a simul.

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Any GM worth his salt, should charge a hefty fee per participant and ensure the participants are no stronger than a weak club player. Then he will sweep em all up and pick up a nice cheque at the end. Otherwise as does happen you have average or strong club players beating the GM and it look bad.

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