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Gary's Gay Lovers

Gary's Gay Lovers

Only Chess

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I know some of you are bent on gary so I thought i'd link you to this page where gary was beaten by a woman...

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Originally posted by CenterNut
I know some of you are bent on gary so I thought i'd link you to this page where gary was beaten by a woman...
If you performed like him perhaps people would feel the same way about you and you wouldn't feel so left out...aw... besides, Judit Polgar is THE woman, I'm not suprised she beat him sometime.

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Originally posted by Dfthd
If you performed like him perhaps people would feel the same way about you and you wouldn't feel so left out...aw... besides, Judit Polgar is THE woman, I'm not suprised she beat him sometime.
sounds like you're sticking up for your boyfriend..

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LOL. Can someone please tell me why this thread is titled 'garys gay lover'??

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Originally posted by bobbob1056th
LOL. Can someone please tell me why this thread is titled 'garys gay lover'??
I am not sure. I am not sure what's the point of the rest of the posting either. Maybe it was an attempt to offend as many people as possible in one short posting:

1. Women in general, by implying that losing against a woman is somehow worse than losing against a man
2. Heterosexual admirers of Kasparov, by implying that they must be gay (this doesn't necessarily follow from the first posting, but the follow-up seems to confirm that it *is* meant to imply that anyone who defends Kasparov is his gay lover (I am not sure how women fit in here...))
3. Gay admirers of Kasparov, by implying that they don't really admire him for his chess skills, but only for sexual reasons
4. Gay people in general, by using the term "gay" seemingly without any other reason than to ridicule a group
5. Admirers of Judit Polgar, by implying that she couldn't have won if Kasparov really were a great player

Did I forget anyone?

OTOH I might just have missed the point completely. 😉

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If Kasparov were really a great player, no one would be able to beat him, as chess is just a drawn game as simple as tic-tac-toe (exaggeration)

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Originally posted by bobbob1056th
If Kasparov were really a great player, no one would be able to beat him, as chess is just a drawn game as simple as tic-tac-toe (exaggeration)
Kasparov is the greatest, everyone has to admit that even if they don't like him simply because of the results he achieved. And he's not a damn computer so people can beat him. Nobody performs the same way every single day just like how nobody playing black is going to shuffle his knights around and let white develop.

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LOL. But computers lose also, they are not perfect, but I see what you are getting at because at least they are more consistent.

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Originally posted by CenterNut
I know some of you are bent on gary so I thought i'd link you to this page where gary was beaten by a woman...
I hate to say this... but, I never thought people were that stupid! GM Judit Polgar just recently also broke the World's record at simul. She walked 10 miles, playing chess all the way, and won 90+ percentile of all her games. Obliterating opponent after opponent. This is THE woman who gave Gary a thrashing! Go GM Polgar!

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Hahaha...wrong. SUSAN Polgar, Judit's sister, broke the simul record. Sorry.

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It's difficult - if not even impossible - to be gay and play chess well. I don't believe I've ever heard of a homosexual male who became World Chess Champion. I hope there never is one, because the homosexual community to be sure would escalate the publicity in all the media.

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Originally posted by powershaker
It's difficult - if not even impossible - to be gay and play chess well. I don't believe I've ever heard of a homosexual male who became World Chess Champion. I hope there never is one, because the homosexual community to be sure would escalate the publicity in all the media.
Your closed-mindedness is matched only by your ability to resurrect threads that are 4 months old.

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Originally posted by powershaker
It's difficult - if not even impossible - to be gay and play chess well. I don't believe I've ever heard of a homosexual male who became World Chess Champion. I hope there never is one, because the homosexual community to be sure would escalate the publicity in all the media.
Wow! Time for somebody to get banned from the forums.

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I heard a rumor that Deep Blue was gay. That's why he had to stay in the closet.

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I thought this was the chess forum , not the sex forum , surely you are supposed to be talking about the game , you know Kasparov blundered , he may have lost one game , but he still has a plus score against her , and one other thing , why did Kasparov not play 3...a6 , 3...Nf6 seems a bit odd to me.

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