Go 'ThebigKat'! 2491, 9 points to go for 2500!

Go 'ThebigKat'! 2491, 9 points to go for 2500!

Only Chess

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Aug 13

What do you think? will he make it? Has anyone done an engine analysis on his games, do they look legitimate? I certainly hope so.

He claims to have a USCF rating close to 2400 which is frigging strong OTB!


06 Feb 13
26 Aug 13

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Aug 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
What do you think? will he make it? Has anyone done an engine analysis on his games, do they look legitimate? I certainly hope so.

He claims to have a USCF rating close to 2400 which is frigging strong OTB!
If he has that rating OTB he should be able to get 2700 - 2800 here unless he gets bored.

The Instructor



22 Jan 13
27 Aug 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
If he has that rating OTB he should be able to get 2700 - 2800 here unless he gets bored.

The Instructor
He'd have to play only 2400+'s and beat them virtually every game to do that.
Surprised someone with your high rating 😉 doesn't know that.

2400 USCF?...from China?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Aug 13

Originally posted by woodypusher
He'd have to play only 2400+'s and beat them virtually every game to do that.
Surprised someone with your high rating 😉 doesn't know that.

2400 USCF?...from China?
I think he has used several flags. I remember one 'Aruba'.


06 Feb 13
04 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
I think he has used several flags. I remember one 'Aruba'.
"Aruba" is a Netherlands sovereignty island off the coast off Venezuela if I remember correctly. I used to live in Trinidad and Tobago which is close by.


06 May 08
04 Sep 13
1 edit

"I think he has used several flags."

He is playing 'Take The Flag' (an old board game once very popualr is in the USA)

When he has just beaten a player he takes and displays their flag like a trophy.
When he beats someone else he replaces flags.

At the moment he is flying a Swedish flag following his voctory over Kjoae14

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Sep 13

ThebigKat has a 75% winning percentage, but DonQ is coming up on his heels at 3rd place with a 95% winning percentage at present.

The Instructor


19 Feb 12
04 Sep 13

DonQ seems fishy to me with just 1 loss in 222 games! with empty profile like that....are you kidding me? sorry I just dont believe he is playing on his own.

peacedog's keeper

15 Jan 11
04 Sep 13

Originally posted by fi092369
DonQ seems fishy to me with just 1 loss in 222 games! with empty profile like that....are you kidding me? sorry I just dont believe he is playing on his own.
I don't think he's alone in not playing alone 🙁


19 Feb 12
04 Sep 13

Originally posted by hedonist
I don't think he's alone in not playing alone 🙁
Me either but he is certainly one of many!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
05 Sep 13

It could be that we actually have a couple players on RHP that can play at the master level.

The Instructor


06 Feb 13
05 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
It could be that we actually have a couple players on RHP that can play at the master level.

The Instructor
Personally, I think it's all c**p. No one will get above 2500, notice User 547283. He almost got to 2500 and then "blundered" against a 1400 player by giving away a completely free queen. People at GM level don't make those kind of mistakes... at such a key time as well.


06 May 08
05 Sep 13
1 edit

This game was potential Blog material in the RHP Championship:
There Is Hope For Us All.

No GM should make such a an OTB blunder. Though there are some incredible
OTB blunders on record.
Missing mates in one (Please no one mention Kramnik there are dozens of others)
Playing leaving Queens hanging (Petrosian did this once) etc etc etc.

Playing 40+ games at once as carpmaniac is doing and a disaster is bound to happen.
I've played at least 5 game losing blunders I would never make OTB
when concentrating on a single game.
I've knowingly played very dodgy moves that have backfired but
that is not a blunder, these I did on purpose.
You sit there stunned at your blunder but as I win 96% of my games through
a tactical blunder I don't mind giving one or two (or four or five) back.
(The other 4% are timeouts I always take a skull. They have left their clock en prise.)

carpmaniac71 (2403) - jharker (1321) RHP 2013 Championship


11 Mar 13
05 Sep 13

Hello guys!
This is my first time posting here.

And I wish to share my experience.
I am playing a 1800+ French tournament and Carpmaniac71 was in my group. At the beginning I was excited because I could play the number two of the site. I was expecting first class theory knowledge according to his rating and it did not happen. Carpmaniac71 chose old lines that have been abandoned and never did get him theoretical advantage.
(The funny thing is that I lost a game against ChFoMa who surprised me with a good novelty in the Tarrasch).

Let's go back to Carpmaniac71, he made his moves slowly, almost every three days and for some weird reason he was not making any move in one of the games so his time bank was depleting. Suddenly he raised his vacation flag, I can understand he must have obligations in his life or he really was in vacation, I don't know. After a week aprox. he started playing again in a slower pace and after a month he raised his vacation flag AGAIN. His time depleted from both games and I collected the skulls because I was upset. From my point of view the ABUSE of the vacation flag is a form of cheating.
When you play OTB, you have time controls. And I was not the only one, another user a 2200 rating player also timed him out. This is the reason why he fell to the eighth position of the ranking.

From my point of view Carpmaniac71's chess knowledge is not according to his rating.

I have played atticus2, 4 games, I could only draw 1, I lost the others. And I felt he is a really strong player. It was an honor playing with him

I have played 2 games against PA82, I drew one and lost the other. And I could see he really dedicates time to improve his theory knowledge.

I was lucky for having IM Mario Belli as the Chess teacher in University of Lima in Peru. And I know about the passion, dedication and hard work that a professional chess player has. I was his student when I was a class C player until I achieved my dream (at that time) of becoming a class A player.

I am new to the site, my apologies for the long post.

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