On anothert thread one lad was looking for the book Knight Moves
Here is lesson one.
Good and Bad Knight Moves
Greenpawn v Carluzvi RHP last week.
Black to play.
One should always have a very good reason for moving a strong
posted Knight like this. The gain of tempo on the Queen is not a
good enough reason - the game is lost.
I was more worried about 17....Qb4! to which I was going to sac
a piece with 18.Bd2 Black can still swap Queens and cruise.
It would be a toil to win as White from that position.
A double attack, it's what the Queen was designed for, remember the
lady is Rook and Bishop combined.
Here she hits the loose pieces on a8 and f6.
Black actually has 4 unprotected pieces in that position.
This is far too many, it's little wonder there is an attractive
combination coming up.
(atractive cobination = a two move trick)
A good try, one move (possibly the move my oopponent was banking on)
and both attacked peces are now defended.
And White now uses his well placed Knight to very good effect.
White played? (Black resigned 2 moves later).
Originally posted by erikidoit is a mode of questioning, as in when one asks a question, not with the view to receiving an answer, as from an audience, but simply for the sake of developing a line of thought. Capiche!
He asked a question.....
And I still don't understand what rhetorical means.