The Gallagher book is excellant for a start. There are many good books on the C-K,but most of them are on specific variations. One of the best of these is: The Dynamic Caro-Kann,by Jeremy Silman,which covers the line 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6. You might also study the games of players who fancied the C-K: Petrosian,Nimzovitch,Tartakover,Bronstein,Karpov,and Seirawan are among the most famous.
Originally posted by Caro KannIf you are looking for a good introduction to ideas behind openings (including Caro-Kann), get Fine's "The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings". I just went through his section on the Caro-Kann this week and it does a good job of laying out the landscape. Schiller's "Standard Chess Openings" is also a good beginner's guide to chess openings and he provides a good intro into the basic lines of the Caro-Kann. For a good opening reference, I recommend deFirmian's "Modern Chess Openings". His introduction to each opening provides some ideas behind the lines; however, it isn't as detailed as the previous references.
Has anyone got good websites/books where you can learn the caro? Appartently its quite solid. I dont want endless thieoretical lines, but rather ideas behind lines.
A good web reference is which has plenty of material on the Caro-Kann.
I play the Caro-Kann regularly as black against e4 and have found it to provide a solid, strategical game. However, if you plan on using it, make sure to brush up on your endgame skills because often the game will boil down to who has the pawn advantage in the endgame.