[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "https://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2019.05.30"]
[EndDate "2019.06.18"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Hells Caretaker"]
[Black "purk"]
[WhiteRating "1507"]
[BlackRating "1494"]
[WhiteElo "1507"]
[BlackElo "1494"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "13276254"]
1. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 2. c4 e5 3. d3 Bf8b4 4. Bc1d2 a5 5. Nb1c3 d6 6. g3 Bc8g4 7. Bf1g2 h6 8. a3 Bb4c5 9. O-O Ng8f6 10. e3 O-O 11. Qd1c2 Nc6e7 12. Nc3a4 Nf6d7 13. Na4xc5 dxc5 14. Bd2c3 Ne7g6 15. Nf3d2 c6 16. h3 Bg4e6 17. f4 f5 18. Ra1e1 a4 19. Rf1f2 Nd7b6 20. Nd2f1 e4 21. dxe4 Nb6xc4 22. exf5 Be6xf5 23. e4 Bf5c8 24. Re1d1 Qd8e7 25. Bc3xg7 Nc4xa3 26. Bg7xf8 Ng6xf8 27. bxa3 b5 28. e5 Bc8b7 29. Rf2e2 c4 30. Qc2c3 Qe7c5 31. Kg1h2 Nf8e6 32. f5 Ne6g5 33. f6 Kg8f7 34. Rd1d7 Kf7f8 35. Rd7xb7 Ra8d8 36. e6 Rd8e8 37. f7 1-0 . Move 20... e4 Pandora's Box.
Star's around 17: then 20... e4 a brain storm or was it? It felt good anyway.. Thank's Eladar..
Looks to me that black should have forgotten about the knight and captured the bishop.
Black's white bishop needed some help as well
Why would one choose to double pawns?
I do not know but black seemed to make a few bad choices.
I figured Black is wanting a semi open D file and a Queen side pawn mass for an endgame attack.
Then 21.ef Re8, 22.Rfe2 or back off with the Bishop to f7 maybe which is what I anticipated.
@patzering saidMy phone program says fxe5 is better.
Can someone put the game in the computer and see what it says?
But does not give the reason. You asked why not, but it is possible there were bigger things at play than the diagonal.