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Good Game.

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haven't analyzed a game this much while playing it in a while. Spending a while going through different lines. Got interesting around move 32-34.

Game 5093081

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5. a3 (?);
6. g3 (?);
7. Qd3 (?);
12. Ne5 (?);
16. Rh1 (??) h6 ? (16. ... Nxf2 -+).

32. Qe7 (!);
34. Qh4 (!).

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Originally posted by Helder Octavio
[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.06.10"]
[EndDate "2008.07.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Coconut"]
[Black "ashwood"]
[WhiteRating "1314"]
[BlackRating "1284"]
[WhiteELO "1314"]
[BlackELO "1284"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "5093081"]

1. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 2. d4 d5 3. Bc1f4 Nb8c6 4. Nb1c3 e6 5. a3 Bf8d6 6. g3 O- ...[text shortened]... (16. ... Nxf2 -+).

32. Qe7 ([b]!
34. Qh4 (!).[/b]
As for 16.Rh1 Nxf2?? it definitely isn't winning for black due to Qxh7, checkmate 😀

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Originally posted by Rizhanin
As for 16.Rh1 Nxf2?? it definitely isn't winning for black due to Qxh7, checkmate 😀
Oooops... 😳😳😳

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I think White had a rook sac to finish the game at move 34:

34. Rh8+ Kxh8
35. Qf7

with the threat of 36.Rh1#

2 edits
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I don't like 8 ... Bxf4 much as it opens the g-file for White. Even worse was 14. ... Nxh2. With the queens and both sets of rooks still on the board, opening up the h-file like this was suicide.

11.Rhf1 was a case of the "wrong rook". The rook on d1 isn't doing anything useful. It isn't needed to defend White's d-pawn and it seems unlikely that the d or e files will open up anytime soon, whereas it is clear that having a rook on the g or h files could well aid White's attack. Hence Rdf1 was better.

I can't help thinking there must have been a way for White to win a piece for a pawn or two on move 16. Maybe 16.Bh3? However White is clearly better by now and maybe should avoid complications.

20. ... fxg4 would have put up more of a fight. Black would play g6 at some stage and hope that the h-file is bolstered up enough.

White almost blows it on moves 25 to 27, he should be attacking! Often when you move pawns in front of your castled king, they become easy targets for your opponents pawns. If you leave them where they are then very often you can move past your opponent's pawns as they advance and you use their pawns as a shield as well as your own.

31. ... axb3 was Black's last chance. E.g. 31. ... axb3 32.Qxb3 Qa7! and Black is threatening to pin White's queen, as well as nasties down the a-file.

Edit: Actually Black may have missed a chance to win a few moves later - 32 ... a3+ was dreadful! Rooks and queens love open and half-open files - 32 ... axb3 was much better. E.g. 32. ... axb3 33.cxb3 (what else?) Rfb8! and White is up to his arse in alligators.

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Edit: Actually Black may have missed a chance to win a few moves later - 32 ... a3+ was dreadful! Rooks and queens love open and half-open files - 32 ... axb3 was much better. E.g. 32. ... axb3 33.cxb3 (what else?) Rfb8! and White is up to his arse in alligators.[/b]
Looks to me like this is a forced win for black. White can't stop 34.... Qxb3 and is going to get mated pretty soon after that; or at least will have to sac the queen for a rook to stop the mate.

The only alternative I can see is perhaps 33. c3, but then after 33.... Ra2+, white is still in trouble.

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