I started reading this book but is has an error on one page, they are comenting the first game in the first chapter and from move 34 to 38,
I cant read white's moves, If some one has this book, would you please complete the game for me?
Grandmaster Secrets:Endings
Andrew Soltis
First chapter ...
This is what I can read
34 ? Ad5
35 ? Rf5
36 ? Rg4
37 ? Rh3
38 ?
Originally posted by Supermanwhat do you mean you can't see them? like they faded or they were never there?
I started reading this book but is has an error on one page, they are comenting the first game in the first chapter and from move 34 to 38,
I cant read white's moves, If some one has this book, would you please complete the game for me?
Grandmaster Secrets:Endings
Andrew Soltis
First chapter ...
This is what I can read
34 ? Ad5
35 ? Rf5
36 ? Rg4
37 ? Rh3
38 ?
Originally posted by SupermanThe book is in figurine algebraic notation. I'm not sure what your notation signifies (I'm not sure what the letters A and R are supposed to mean in the moves Ad5, Rf5, Rg4, Rh3.)
I started reading this book but is has an error on one page, they are comenting the first game in the first chapter and from move 34 to 38,
I cant read white's moves, If some one has this book, would you please complete the game for me?
Grandmaster Secrets:Endings
Andrew Soltis
First chapter ...
This is what I can read
34 ? Ad5
35 ? Rf5
36 ? Rg4
37 ? Rh3
38 ?
Regardless of that issue, I do have the book, and (using normal algebraic notation in English, the moves are:
34 Kc1?! Bd5
35 g3 Kf5
36 Kd2 Kg4
37 Ke3 Kh3
38 Kd4?
(K= king, B= bishop)
The ?! after white's 34th move and the ? after white's 38th move are the author's annotations.
I hope that helps you.
Originally posted by SupermanWhy don't you contact the author/publisher. They would be happy to revise/correct any errors in the book.
I started reading this book but is has an error on one page, they are comenting the first game in the first chapter and from move 34 to 38,
I cant read white's moves, If some one has this book, would you please complete the game for me?
Originally posted by z00tIf I understand Superman correctly, it's not really an error in the moves. It's a spot on the page where the ink didn't get applied. So this isn't an issue for the author, it would be with the publisher, if anything.
Why don't you contact the author/publisher. They would be happy to revise/correct any errors in the book.
And, contacting the publisher would probably only be an exercise in frustration. This book was published by Thinkers' Press in Davenport, Iowa, and the book is now out of print. Thinkers' Press is run by Bob Long. Bob recently shut down his retail chess operation (Chessco) and sold almost his entire warehouse inventory of Thinkers' Press books. (That's why so many of these books are showing up in Half Price Books stores here in the USA.) Bob still runs Thinkers' Press, but it's only a one-man operation now, and Bob is busy looking for employment outside the chess publishing business. So I don't think he would be able to help in this case.
Originally posted by Mad RookYes it helps, that is what I needed, Thanks a lot.
The book is in figurine algebraic notation. I'm not sure what your notation signifies (I'm not sure what the letters A and R are supposed to mean in the moves Ad5, Rf5, Rg4, Rh3.)
Regardless of that issue, I do have the book, and (using normal algebraic notation in English, the moves are:
34 Kc1?! Bd5
35 g3 Kf5
36 Kd2 Kg4
37 Ke3 Kh3
38 ...[text shortened]... e and the ? after white's 38th move are the author's annotations.
I hope that helps you.
Just a little detail I forgot to mention, the notation is in Spanish, so:
This is Because the book is in panish, I had to look in the first page to find the original name in english so you could understand it.
Thanks😀 This realy solves my mistery.