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Great Checkmate for pe4,  pe5  - Nf3,   pf6

Great Checkmate for pe4, pe5 - Nf3, pf6

Only Chess

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If the game evolves like this,

1. Pe4, Pe5
2. Nf3, Pf6

do the following:

3.NxP, PxN
4.Qh5+, Ke7

If opponent moves pawn foward, you take pawn, check, and take the

5.QxP+, Kf7
6.Bc4+, Kg6
7.Qf5+, Kh6
8.Pd4+, Pg5
9.Ph4, ....

Any move white will do, he will be checkmated, because if

10. PxP++,

The tower and the pawn are threatning the king.

This checkmate can only be avoided if at the first check with the
queen, the black surrenders his rook

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Thanks for the lesson...although i must say I learned this when I was
think 7.

It still works though and some people still fall into it.


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Dave, that is good to know. Perhaps, though, he wasn't trying to teach
the top rated player anything, but was speaking to the rest of us? ;-)


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Yeah..a little arrogant of me I guess..sorry.

For little kickers like he is talking about Chess Traps and Zaps 1 and
2 by Pandolfini are good books.

In speed games alot of those will pop up.


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I found book 2 for 5 dollars and picked it up. It's got some nifty traps,
but I dispair of ever being able to remember them.

Incidentally, I just purchased Tal - Botvinnik 1960 (Tal's account of
the world championship match.) It's a great read, and I'm learning a
lot too.1


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I remember the first time I saw this. It was while viewing one of
Mustangace's (I think it was he, can't remember for sure) games
several months ago (4.... g6 was played so it only went as far as
winning the rook).

Ok it's quite straightforward but to someone who hadn't seen it before
I was rather impressed and quite taken by it.

Took me over 400 games of waiting before an opponent played 2....
f6 and I was able to inflict it upon someone!

Nice post d1ma5 :o)

The Squirrel Lover

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You forgot one important move for black. After white has played 6.
Bc4+, black can defend with Pd5 instead of Kg6. The natural reply for
white is 7. Bxd5+. After this move it is more difficult for white to mate
black, because blacks bishop can help in the defense. I remember I
spent hours studying this opening when I was younger. I didn't find a
forced mate and that was bothering me.

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