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Great Chess Puzzle Corrected

Great Chess Puzzle Corrected

Only Chess

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White to play and mate in 9.


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Thanks so much to SwissGambit for helping to fix the pgn. I spent hours trying to!

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Too bad the mods deleted the other thread. There was some analysis in there.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Too bad the mods deleted the other thread. There was some analysis in there.
Do you think you could have solved the puzzle without looking at the solution? There is no way in hell I would have got it.

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Originally posted by Tygert
Do you think you could have solved the puzzle without looking at the solution? There is no way in hell I would have got it.
Yes, I could have solved it. It is mostly checking/forcing moves. The more difficult ones have quiet moves.

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One of my comments was that if 5. ... f5 instead of 5. ... Rf5 then White has 6. Qh8+ Qg7 7. Qxg7#

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
One of my comments was that if 5. ... f5 instead of 5. ... Rf5 then White has 6. Qh8+ Qg7 7. Qxg7#
Yes thank you also visualised that in my head in the middle of the night; too late for edits.

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Originally posted by Tygert
White to play and mate in 9.
[fen]3Q4/5q1k/4ppp1/2Kp1N1B/RR6/3P1r2/4nP1b/3b4 w - - 0 1[/fen]


[Event "Chess Puzzle"]
[Site "RedHotPawn"]
[Date "1851.01.01"]
[Round "-"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[FEN "3Q4/5q1k/4ppp1/2Kp1N1B/RR6/3P1r2/4nP1b/3b4 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
1. Rb7 { Pinning the black queen to her king. It wn vs a Queen, Rook, two Bishops and three pawns. How sad. } [/pgn]
I was wondering about the following:

No that does not work.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I was wondering about the following:

No that does not work.
What do you mean?

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Originally posted by Lloyd Linton Jones
What do you mean?
I was trying to visualize the moves without moving and I thought that instead of 5.Qh5+ that 5.Re4+ dxe4 6.Qxe4 was checkmate, but then I saw the Black Queen on b7, which I had lost from my visual memory somehow.

The Instructor

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
One of my comments was that if 5. ... f5 instead of 5. ... Rf5 then White has 6. Qh8+ Qg7 7. Qxg7#
I missed the original thread and comments, but I would hve said something like "Jesus %$#@ that's the most *&^%$#@ amazing thing I've ever &^%$#@ seen!!" 🙂

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
I missed the original thread and comments, but I would hve said something like "Jesus %$#@ that's the most *&^%$#@ amazing thing I've ever &^%$#@ seen!!" 🙂
Pretty cool hey? Could someone perhaps do an analysis of one of Alekhine's famous puzzles?

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