Have you had any games where you've staved off certain defeat without your opponent making any obvious howlers ?
I was rather pleased with this game against a 2100 rated player. Game 1599673
He just underestimates the danger posed by my advancing pawn, and there are some neat tactics towards the end. The final position requires some analysis to see why neither player can play for a win.
I was about to ask why it was drawn when Black had an easy win if: -
1.Bxd2 Kxd2 2.Qf4+ Ke1 3. Qxc7 for a huge advantage in the endgame...
I was about to post this, until I realized that Kxd2 was a one of the worst moves White could possibly play -- once you see the deadly "Qb8+" everything falls into place
I'm not the best player, but I did manage to escape certain doom in one game... its was very very close... he made an error at the end and I got a bit lucky.
Game 1812759
Edit: If I would have let him move that pawn to the last rank it would be game over for me... I knew he would take my rook instead of my knight and that is what allowed me to keep him in check...
Originally posted by bolshevikWhite could have totally won that one...
Have you had any games where you've staved off certain defeat without your opponent making any obvious howlers ?
I was rather pleased with this game against a 2100 rated player. Game 1599673
He just underestimates the danger posed by my advancing pawn, and there are some neat tactics towards the end. The final position requires some analysis to ...[text shortened]... neither player can play for a win.
[fen]6k1/2P2pp1/7p/3p2b1/6q1/1Q6/3B4/3K4 w - - 8 51[/fen]
Originally posted by bolshevikI'm sure you are right that it is a draw ... I just can't see it.
[b]Have you had any games where you've staved off certain defeat without your opponent making any obvious howlers ?
I was rather pleased with this game against a 2100 rated player. Game 1599673
The final position requires some analysis to see why neither player can play for a win.
Please help me out! How does black play against something like Kc2 and then Qb8. As I see it white ends up with a Queen playing against a Bishop and a pile of pawns.
Where's the flaw?
Originally posted by Diapasonwell..seeing as the white king has no cover, i'm sure Black could make repeated checks until the 50move rule (or 3 move-repetition)
I'm sure you are right that it is a draw ... I just can't see it.
Please help me out! How does black play against something like Kc2 and then Qb8. As I see it white ends up with a Queen playing against a Bishop and a pile of pawns.
Where's the flaw?
Against the move "Kc2" Black has Qe4+ if intercepted there is always Qa4+ and from there, depending on white, a few more options with "check"
and adding to that if the Black Queen (or Bishop) ever gets to play f4+ then Black captures the C7 pawn (i.e - Kc1 Bxd2+ Kxd2 Qf4+ Kd1 Qxc7) and if that happens Black wins because that Pawn is the ONLY saving grace for white
Originally posted by ChessJesteryeah you had a lucky escape instead of advancing his pawn to the 7th rank he should have played Qe6 check, it ends the game with forced moves resulting in a queen win or mate. But well played for taking full advantage. I guess he switched off, which I have also done this twice recently in game winning positions in over the board matches, a lesson to us all, to never think it's over, until the job is done.
I'm not the best player, but I did manage to escape certain doom in one game... its was very very close... he made an error at the end and I got a bit lucky.
Game 1812759
Edit: If I would have let him move that pawn to the last rank it would be game over for me... I knew he would take my rook instead of my knight and that is what allowed me to keep him in check...
Originally posted by bolshevikHow come 44.c8=Q wouldn't be winning? Instead you played 44.Kd1 getting out of the way of any discovered checks, but they wouldn't do any good that I could see.... I'm only a 1400 player though, so I'm just wondering why you didn't queen on move 44?
Have you had any games where you've staved off certain defeat without your opponent making any obvious howlers ?
I was rather pleased with this game against a 2100 rated player. Game 1599673
He just underestimates the danger posed by my advancing pawn, and there are some neat tactics towards the end. The final position requires some analysis to ...[text shortened]... neither player can play for a win.
[fen]6k1/2P2pp1/7p/3p2b1/6q1/1Q6/3B4/3K4 w - - 8 51[/fen]
EDIT: Nevermind, I see that if you played 44.c8=Q, black has 44...Bc3++