1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e5 Ng4 5. h3 Nh6
6. d4 d6 7. Bxf4 Nf5 8. Nc3 Ne3 9. Bxe3 dxe5 10. Bc4 exd4
11. Ng5 dxe3 12. Bxf7+ Ke7 13. Nd5+ Kd7 14. Qg4+ Kc6 15. Qc4+ Kd6 16. O-O-O e2 17. Qxe2 Qxg5+ 18. Ne3+ Ke7 19. Rhf1 Nd7 20. Kb1 Ne5 21. Nd5+ Kd8 22. Nb6+ Ke7 23. h4 Qg3 24. Rf3 Qh2 25. Nxc8+ Rxc8 26.Qb5 resigns
Originally posted by rubberjaw30earlier Kd2 instead of Ke1 would have drawn just as easily if not easier.
it kind of sucks, really.
Our game was great.
Nice as a tutorial on having opposition in K and pawns vs. King and pawns endgames. I couldn't have drawn without pawn to f3!
the game above was so great because the mate was forced from starting like five moves ago.