I played in this tournament over the weekend and did quite well, playing 4 games in the top section against 3 masters and 1 expert. I beat Aaron Kahn, a young enterprizing master, in the 1st round. Aaron went on to tie for 2nd place overall with an IM from Italy.
Here's the final position:
and Black resigned. Any comments?
Originally posted by DeepThoughtSure, and I don't mind for people knowing my real name. They may have read some of my articles in Chess Life or Michigan Chess, I'm a free lance writer and chess promoter.
Well done. Can you post the rest of the game moves as I'm curious to know how you persuaded Kahn to leave his queen where you could trap it? I assume your last move was Bf1-e2, and that he'd given check with the queen a couple of moves ago, but for some reason left it there.
Site "Great Lakes Open"
Date "2007.04.28"
Round "1"
White "Vandivier, Don"
Black "Kahn, Aaron"
Result "1-0"
ECO "B96"
Annotator "Vandivier,Don"
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Nc6 8. Nxc6?! 8...bxc6 9. e5 h6 10. Bh4 g5 11. exf6?!
(11. fxg5 Nd5 12. Ne4 Qb6 13. Bd3 hxg5 14. Bxg5 Qxb2 15. Nf6+ Nxf6 16. Bxf6 Qc3+ 17. Ke2 Rh5 18. Qd2 Rxe5+ 19. Bxe5 Qxe5+
20. Qe3 Qh5+ 21. Qf3 Qe5+ 22. Qe3 {White has to take a draw.})
11... gxh4 12. Qf3 d5 13. O-O-O Qxf6 14. g3 Bg7 15. Na4 Rb8 16. c3 O-O 17. gxh4! e5 18. Rg1 exf4 19. Rd4 Qxh4 20. Rxf4 Qe1+ 21. Kc2 f5 22. Qg2 Rf7 23. Be2
and Black resigns 1-0
Originally posted by artplayerVery good! The point is that after 23...Rxb2+!! both 24. Nxb2 and 24. Kxb2 LOSE FOR WHITE!!!
I think rxb2+ saves the game. Black must have been pretty pissed to have missed that.
Yes, he was very mad for resigning the game in a winning position. 🙂
I wondered how long it would take anyone to see 23...Rxb2+ wins.
If there's enough interest I'll show some more of the games(?)
Originally posted by Arrakisgood to see ap ro on here, as im a beginner. im interested in your writing.....which of your stuff would you recommend?
[b]Sure, and I don't mind for people knowing my real name. They may have read some of my articles in Chess Life or Michigan Chess, I'm a free lance writer and chess promoter.
Originally posted by ArrakisDo so.
If there's enough interest I'll show some more of the games(?)
I've got to admit that I didn't see the Rxb2 problem at all. Your eyes tend to focus on the centre of what is happenning which in this case was the queen, so it's easy to miss opportunities on the flanks. At least I'm in good company...
Originally posted by DeepThoughtI thought the move was quite obvoius...its the only move really worth considering.
Do so.
I've got to admit that I didn't see the Rxb2 problem at all. Your eyes tend to focus on the centre of what is happenning which in this case was the queen, so it's easy to miss opportunities on the flanks. At least I'm in good company...
Originally posted by ShinidokiOnce you see it it's not worth doing anything but play it. But the pawn is protected by the knight and the king, so it's easy to pass over the possibility without going any deeper into it.
I thought the move was quite obvoius...its the only move really worth considering.
Originally posted by DeepThoughtNxb2 leaves c3 undefended..."removing the defender" is quite a classic tactical theme.
Once you see it it's not worth doing anything but play it. But the pawn is protected by the knight and the king, so it's easy to pass over the possibility without going any deeper into it.
Kxb2?...in which case Qd7+ Ka3 Ka3 Qxf4
Were talking about a 3-move combination, with only a single (2-move) variation....its not rocket science.
I'd bet most RHP 1400's could play this sequence accuratly.
Originally posted by jvanhineI cover chess tournaments and write articles about them. I don't write chess books cause I'm not a strong enough player to do that. But, since I have a lot of experience and float between Class A and Expert (USCF), I occasionally take down Masters and Experts. 🙂
good to see ap ro on here, as im a beginner. im interested in your writing.....which of your stuff would you recommend?
Thanks for your support.
Originally posted by ShinidokiYou must remove yourself from the RHP environment to appreciate this game. When you are playing in an OTB tournament and there are people cramming in to see your position, standing around your board staring at you, are you going to play on after an 'apparent blunder of dropping your queen'?
I thought the move was quite obvoius...its the only move really worth considering.