28 Jul 15
A chess story featuring my lasted creation...
'Green Elk, last of the Pawnee.'
Also a peek at Rook Man a new Super Hero.
Mixed into this are the usual fanfare of RHP games.
We end with a entertaining Bullet Game between two grandmasters which
is angling to be the greatest Bullet Game of all time. (who knows?)
Blog 4
This (I think) is one of Lord Dunsany problems.
He has a more famous one I'll show both.
White to play and mate in 8.
(the answer to the most obvious question is 'yes' )
This next one is more well known.
White to play and mate in 4 moves.
Clue: here is actual FEN RNBKQBNR/8/8/8/8/8/pppppppp/rnbqkbnr
Post answer in a PGN thingy. First one to post will get 3 Blogs grace.
(That mean no losses Blogged for the next three blogs.)
Once you start from the obvious 0-0-0, it's not too hard.
In the second one Black King and Queen seem to have had a little techtelmechtel.
This reminds me of the times when I was playing on a little magnetic chess board as a kid. I never knew for sure how to set up king and queen in the middle until someone taught me the rule "white queen, white square - black queen, black square".