@Filipe-Fonseca saidA move by one colour only. A full move is one by black and one by white (two half moves)
What it means an half move? I think never heard of it...
i thought that, but the count in the site don't follow that logic... may be the half moves without taking a piece? For the 50 moves draw rule?
@Filipe-Fonseca saidFor the 50 move rule yes, no taking otherwise the counterstarts anew.
i thought that, but the count in the site don't follow that logic... may be the half moves without taking a piece? For the 50 moves draw rule?
@Filipe-Fonseca said1. e4 is a half move.
What it means an half move? I think never heard of it...
1. e4 e5 is a move.