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Halloween Gambit

Halloween Gambit

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Game 612351

In this game toward the end I thought that I gained the advantage when I forked his rooks, perhaps I could be wrong. From that point on what are some things i could have done to have a different outcome. Please analyze and tell me what you think.

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This ain't much of an analysis on my part, but it seems like your king-side pawn advance which started on move 20 proved to be your undoing. Likely I am just displaying my firm grasp of the obvious, you will say.

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Originally posted by deathbypawn
Game 612351

In this game toward the end I thought that I gained the advantage when I forked his rooks, perhaps I could be wrong. From that point on what are some things i could have done to have a different outcome. Please analyze and tell me what you think.
You certainly made things a lot closer after you won his rook, but he still had a lot of pawns to compensate for being down an Exchange, plus his king was a lot safer. I think you'd be very lucky to get a draw.

As you've already seen, 32.Rxd4 is no good, because you cannot recapture the rook. It seems that Qg5 just has to be played, since Black is threatening with Qf3 mate. Your king is in trouble, but if you can get the queens traded, you may have a chance to draw.

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32.Qg5? 33.Qf3,Qg2 34.Qxd1+,Qg1 35.Qxg1 checkmate.
Yes,colors are reversed,that is because this was a thematic tourney and it was black to move in the starting position.
I may be missing something but I can't see how white avoids being mated without great material loss and then still mate to follow quickly.The rook on d8 was off limits,IMO.

Sir Lot.

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
32.Qg5? 33.Qf3,Qg2 34.Qxd1+,Qg1 35.Qxg1 checkmate.
Yes,colors are reversed,that is because this was a thematic tourney and it was black to move in the starting position.
I may be missing something but I can't see ho white avoids being mated.The rook on d8 was off limits,IMO.

Sir Lot.
Wow, what is wrong with me lately? That's the second time in less than a week that I have suggested a move which was quickly refuted as the worst move possible. Maybe it's time to take up checkers.....

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Originally posted by Natural Science
Wow, what is wrong with me lately? That's the second time in less than a week that I have suggested a move which was quickly refuted as the worst move possible. Maybe it's time to take up checkers.....
It wasn't the worst move possible.There really are no good moves after Qxd8,I think.
Forget about checkers,I tried it,that's hard too 😳

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I think that when you payed g3, you got yourslef in to some trouble. Weakening the light squares was no a good idea. I think maybe your were trying to construct a pawn phalanx against his bishop?

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