Originally posted by heinzkatI like the second one.😵
Here, Pillsbury delivers a Blackburne mate
[fen]3r1rk1/ppp2p1p/6p1/4B1N1/8/2n5/PrB1Q1PP/5R1K w - -[/fen]
(Pillsbury - Lyman 1899, White to move)
Here, he delivers a mate as Black
[fen]7k/p4q1p/1pb5/2p5/4B2Q/2P1B3/P6P/7K b - -[/fen]
NN - Pillsbury Blindfold simul 1899
There is a "Pillsbury mate" as well, but I don't exactly know which one that is. Maybe the diagram above.