it is like saying, who is greatest.. wilt chamberlain or michael jordan.. they
were both the best players of their time, but very hard to compare. also, my
personal opinion on deciding who is the greatest is to look at the time period
they played in. due to all the computer software now, players today have a lot
more resources at their whim. however, i do belive bobby fischer is the greaters
(this may seem to contradict my previous sayings, oh well 🙂 ). there is no one
who accomplished as much as he and the magnitude of his accomplishments were
tremendous.. i do not knwo the exact details as to the specific tournaments he
played in or what his score was, but aint it right that he won many tournaments
with perfect scores.. and that even when he knew even a loss would win first, he
still beat all his opponents? i think there is no doubt.