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How did he not win???!!!!!!

How did he not win???!!!!!!

Only Chess


31 Mar 08
26 Feb 10
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Hello to all. Even though i read everyday in this forum and it helps alot (thanks guys) i never published a game. I am an amateur player that loves the game even though im not that good at it. I played a game today that really amused me....i played at work and did not pay much attention in the beginning so in middle game i realized it was a lost cause and decided to just defend a best as i could just for kicks. I found the ending a little funny!!!!

Sorry guys but i tried for a half an hour to upload the pgn game but just couldnt do it. Posting here for someone that can....

[Site "www.chesscube.com"] [Event "ChessCube Game"] [White lisimelis@chesscube.com"] [Black "balanarc@chesscube.com"] [Date "2010.02.26"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.dxe5 dxe5 5.Qxd8+ Kxd8 6.Bb5 c6 7.Bc4 Nh6 8.h3 b5 9.Bd3 Na6 10.a3 Bd7 11.b4 c5 12.Nc3 cxb4 13.axb4 Nxb4 14.Ba3 Nxd3+ 15.cxd3 b4 16.Bxb4 Bxb4 17.Rc1 Rc8 18.O-O Bxc3 19.Nh4 Nf7 20.Nf5 Bxf5 21.exf5 Nd6 22.g4 Bd4 23.Rxc8+ Kxc8 24.Rc1+ Kd7 25.Kg2 g6 26.Kf3 gxf5 27.gxf5 Nxf5 28.Ke4 Nh4 29.Kd5 Rc8 30.Rg1 Bxf2 31.Rg7+ Ke8 32.Ke6 Bc5 33.Rg8+ Bf8 34.Rh8 h6 35.Kxf6 a5 36.Kxe5 a4 37.Rh7 a3 38.Ra7 Nf3+ 39.Ke4 Ng5+ 40.Kf5 Nxh3 41.d4 Rd8 42.Ke5 Nf2 43.d5 Nd3+ 44.Ke6 Nc5+ 45.Ke5 Nd7+ 46.Ke6 Nb6 47.d6 Rxd6+ 48.Ke5 Rd2 49.Ke6 a2 50.Ra8+ Rd8 51.Rxa2 Rd6+ 52.Ke5 Nc4+ 53.Kf5 Ne3+ 54.Ke5 Kd7 55.Ra7+ Kc6 56.Ra6+ Kc5 57.Ra5+ Kb6 58.Ra8 Nc4+ 59.Ke4 Bg7 60.Rb8+ Kc7 61.Rg8 Rd7 62.Kf5 Nd6+ 63.Kg6 Bb2 64.Rg7 Rxg7+ 65.Kxh6 Nf5+ 66.Kh5 Kd7S 1/2-1/2


26 Aug 07
26 Feb 10
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lisimelis v balanarc 2010


11 Nov 05
26 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Lisimelis
Hello to all. Even though i read everyday in this forum and it helps alot (thanks guys) i never published a game. I am an amateur player that loves the game even though im not that good at it. I played a game today that really amused me....i played at work and did not pay much attention in the beginning so in middle game i realized it was a lost cause and ...[text shortened]... + Kc7 61.Rg8 Rd7 62.Kf5 Nd6+ 63.Kg6 Bb2 64.Rg7 Rxg7+ 65.Kxh6 Nf5+ 66.Kh5 Kd7S 1/2-1/2
30. ... Rc5+ would give a quick mate.


24 Aug 07
26 Feb 10
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Is this a question about stalemate?

White has no legal move, and it is his turn.

Therefore, it is a draw (since white can't move into check).


11 Nov 05
26 Feb 10
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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
Is this a question about stalemate?

White has no legal move, and it is his turn.

Therefore, it is a draw (since white can't move into check).
Yes, it became a draw. 1/2-1/2.
He should think about every move to avoid stalemate. He didn't. He lost his victory.


31 Mar 08
26 Feb 10
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No I know its stalemate....it was just really funny to me that even though the game was lost i thought i would just play on and ended up picking a draw out of it. It reminded me some game i played with chessmaster that even though i was ahead by far in material i accidentally ended up in stalemate and got really pissed of!!!! Ever had that happen?


24 Aug 07
26 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Lisimelis
No I know its stalemate....it was just really funny to me that even though the game was lost i thought i would just play on and ended up picking a draw out of it. It reminded me some game i played with chessmaster that even though i was ahead by far in material i accidentally ended up in stalemate and got really pissed of!!!! Ever had that happen?
Sure, I've been pissed off lots of times. 🙂

Had to get that in. It's like a line from the movie Airplane.

The guy is on a plane and tells the old lady he's afraid.
She says "Your first time?", and he says "No, I've been afraid lots of times."

Truthfully, stalemate does pop up quite a bit.
In fact, Tony's post just had one.

Thread 127457

This isn't a stalemate, but it is a goof in one of my recent blitz games.

Thinking I had an easy win, I played 1.b8=Q Rxb8 2.d8=Q

Only to be horrified by ...

2. ... Rb1+ 3.Ka2 Rb2+

Draw !!!

I totally missed it in the time scramble.
We all make mistakes. 🙂

Paul Leggett
Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
26 Feb 10

We all make mistakes. 🙂[/b]
There are times on the site where I see someone question another player's rating by pulling up a loss against a lower rated player, especially a loss where a piece was just dropped or some similar goof, and I think

"That could easily be me".

Greenpawn34 has a great thread about how to get to 1950-2000 on the site, and I think it can be "read backwards" to reveal how people make errors, as he essentially coaches people how to avoid them.

When we play in this format, it's not like controlled tournament conditions- I play much better later at night when my kids are asleep, and there are no household distractions. I've had some severe bonehead moves that have lead to losses or lucky draws where I should have lost but managed to recover a bit.

I know my online playing environment varies, and it affects the quality of my games, so I am very understanding when an otherwise good player has a bad outing.

I am also very understanding that a player could easily raise his/her rating several hundred points in a year on the sight, simply by following GP's advice, and being more careful about how they approach the online medium, in addition to the game itself.

You said it- we all make mistakes!




06 May 08
26 Feb 10
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Hi Paul.

The hard thing I find playing online is staying in 'the mood'.

For an OTB game I am focussed for the whole game.
(though you would not think it to see some of the 'beauties' I have produced)

You cannot stay switched on for one game for days/weeks at a time.
So a lot of the time you are coming to the board cold.

Usually you can pick up the thread but If you have loads on the go and it's
against good players then the 'out of mood' effect may take it's toil
and you get sloppy.

The most I had was 34 but thank god for opening traps and a tactical eye
I reduced this to 11-12 in fairly short order.

If it had been 30+ v very good players I would have come unstuck in a
fair few of those.

The post about getting to 2000 was partly tognue in cheek with the
avoid blunders and only play under 1400 players true.

It was inpired by some lad who said he only played on here to get points.

I have now discovered a good way of doing this.

The ladder.

I noticed I had 113 wins. unlucky for some. So I jumped onto the one day
ladder and challenged the lowest graded -1400 player I could find.

They HAVE to accept the challenge!

I beat him and immedialtly jumped off the ladder. 114 wins and 1 grading point. 😏

It's a wee 9 mover I'm afraid.

Traps that work for White can work for Black if the conditions are right
and White has wasted his first move.

I leapt at the chance to play a Ng5 attack against the Two Knights
without having to worry about the Traxler

(Black plays 4....Bc5 and a very sharp theorectical duel breaks loose.)

He had a pawn on c4 so no Traxler.

I did give adivce to the lad about watching f2/f7 etc. He sounded grateful
but I did feel a bit of a rat for doing what I did.

Not for long though. I love short wins. 🙂

I might just make that my last game on here as it just about sums me up.
A cheapo merchant. The greenpawn legacy.

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