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how did i do playing blitz here...im white....

how did i do playing blitz here...im white....

Only Chess

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i cant see hwo to get the game embedded?

6k1/pp3rbp/1n1pq3/5NN1/3pPQP1/3n3P/P4P2/5RK1 b - - 4 32

[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2009.6.14"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Mr Average"]
[Black "DieGrootGees"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 2. c2-c4 g7-g6 3. Nb1-c3 Bf8-g7 4. e2-e4 d7-d6 5. Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 6. Bd3-c2 O-O 7. d4-d5 Nc6-e5 8. h2-h3 Ne5xc4 9. Ra1-b1 Nf6-d7 10. Bc1-g5 Nc4xb2 11. Qd1-f3 Nb2-c4 12. Ng1-e2 Nd7-e5 13. Qf3-f4 f7-f6 14. Bg5-h6 g6-g5 15. Bh6xg5 f6xg5 16. Qf4xg5 Nc4-a3 17. Rb1-c1 e7-e6 18. Qg5-g3 Rf8-f6 19. O-O Rf6-g6 20. Qg3-e3 Na3-c4 21. Qe3-f4 e6xd5 22. Ne2-g3 d5-d4 23. Nc3-b1 Nc4-b6 24. Nb1-d2 Bc8-e6 25. Ng3-f5 Rg6-f6 26. g2-g4 Qd8-d7 27. Bc2-b3 Ra8-f8 28. Bb3xe6 Qd7xe6 29. Rc1xc7 Rf6-f7 30. Rc7xf7 Rf8xf7 31. Nd2-f3 Ne5-d3 32. Nf3-g5 1-0

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Originally posted by Mr Average
how did i do playing blitz here...im white....
About average.

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Was black timed out? Because this (on my first glance, didn't bother to look closely) looks winning for black after taking the queen with the knight...

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In the opening, I think the bishop move - 5. Bd3 wasn't ideal. Then on move 6 you moved the same piece again to allow the queen to defend the d4 pawn. I wonder if you could have played 6.Nf3 instead...to develop a piece and defend the pawn in one move.

The central pawn push seemed to come to early...but these are difficult to time accurately especially in blitz.

With 8.h3 I've always been advised to avoid doing these preventative pawn moves unless there is a very good reason, might be worth looking to see if there is a stronger move here.

From the final position, after the exchange of queens it looks winning for black....but you made a good fight back earlier after the knights invaded!

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Originally posted by heinzkat
About average.

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Originally posted by Garnoth
Was black timed out? Because this (on my first glance, didn't bother to look closely) looks winning for black after taking the queen with the knight...
yes, he timed out!

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Originally posted by Mahout
In the opening, I think the bishop move - 5. Bd3 wasn't ideal. Then on move 6 you moved the same piece again to allow the queen to defend the d4 pawn. I wonder if you could have played 6.Nf3 instead...to develop a piece and defend the pawn in one move.

The central pawn push seemed to come to early...but these are difficult to time accurately especially in ...[text shortened]... t looks winning for black....but you made a good fight back earlier after the knights invaded!
thank you 😉

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Originally posted by Mahout
In the opening, I think the bishop move - 5. Bd3 wasn't ideal. Then on move 6 you moved the same piece again to allow the queen to defend the d4 pawn. I wonder if you could have played 6.Nf3 instead...to develop a piece and defend the pawn in one move.

The central pawn push seemed to come to early...but these are difficult to time accurately especially in ...[text shortened]... t looks winning for black....but you made a good fight back earlier after the knights invaded!
Fom the final position, black is at least 2 pieces up 😛, winning is an understatement

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