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How did I screw this up?

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Game 4317265

This was my first time trying to play the Kings Gambit afaik. I think there is something else I could have done early on.

EDIT: While I'll take comments on the whole game I'm mostly worried about the first 10 or so moves. I realize dropping pawns were mistakes from being flustered with his early queen assault.

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Here are some ideas.

1.NEVER take the queens off in kings gambit games, unless forced to.

2.You never played Nf3 - gaining a tempo by kicking the queen - this opening is all about white development.

3. You started defending quite early on, allowing black to have his way - always look to be sending your pieces up the board and pushing black around.

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So my fourth or even fifth move should have been Nf3?

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Move 7 was the best time to play Nf3 - it would have driven his queen back and also given you the opportunity to castle on the kingside - you would have been in quite a good position then.

Alternatively, you could have played d4 on this move - this was also a strong move.

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Originally posted by deeploser
Game 4317265

This was my first time trying to play the Kings Gambit afaik. I think there is something else I could have done early on.

EDIT: While I'll take comments on the whole game I'm mostly worried about the first 10 or so moves. I realize dropping pawns were mistakes from being flustered with his early queen assault.
I play KG often and would not do 4 fxe5. I generally would would have played Bc4 followed by d3. The rationale for this is, since I'm playing KG I'm not really concerned about the f-pawn, especially since Black already refused to take it when it was free. This lets me either take the e-pawn at a time of MY choosing or even advance the f-pawn if the game goes that way.

5. I much prefer Qf3. That B on g2 is terrible. You want that bishop on c4 attacking that f-pawn. Had you played Bc4 on move 4. Black would already be on the defensive to stop your mate threat.

By move 8, you are really starting to get yourself in trouble. Generally, as white you are trying to castle King side (with g and h pawn still on their original squares) and get that Rook on the f-file with your light-square bishop on c4. Perhaps, also your Knight on f3 that can be advanced to g5 or e5. If you're real lucky your Q on the F-file too, or even c3. This generally amounts to an overwhelming attack on that f-File/f7 pawn.

However, sometimes Black just doesn't allow a sane K-side castle and you should be prepared to castle long instead. For move 8. Bd2 should have been your response to keep your Q-side pawns intact.

Also, by now, you should have that King-side knight developed and, if not already, fully able to deploy that h-Rook to f1.

Bottom line, KG is all about the F-file. You need to attack it mercilessly and ferociously.

Here are a few of my recent games as White/KG

Game 4289643
Game 4287439
Game 4260876
Game 4287438

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Originally posted by deeploser
Game 4317265

This was my first time trying to play the Kings Gambit afaik. I think there is something else I could have done early on.

EDIT: While I'll take comments on the whole game I'm mostly worried about the first 10 or so moves. I realize dropping pawns were mistakes from being flustered with his early queen assault.
I once lost from an advantageous position against an expert strength player and he said something to me that I think applies here, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Yeah kid, you suck."

Got me through some tough times.

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