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Game 4346232

I believe this is the highest ranked player I've ever defeated (not including timeouts)

I know he blundered early in losing a piece but I thought everything else I did (namely sacrificing my knight and making the material equal for a large attacking potential on the kingside) was sound and pretty good

any insight would be greatly appreciated

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Originally posted by stockton1984
Game 4346232

I believe this is the highest ranked player I've ever defeated (not including timeouts)

I know he blundered early in losing a piece but I thought everything else I did (namely sacrificing my knight and making the material equal for a large attacking potential on the kingside) was sound and pretty good

any insight would be greatly appreciated
The sac was definitely sound

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Originally posted by stockton1984
Game 4346232

I believe this is the highest ranked player I've ever defeated (not including timeouts)

I know he blundered early in losing a piece but I thought everything else I did (namely sacrificing my knight and making the material equal for a large attacking potential on the kingside) was sound and pretty good

any insight would be greatly appreciated
Not bad, not too bad.

My personal style when ahead in material is to turtle up: play conservatively, trade pieces, and aim for an easy endgame. But, that's not to say you can't return the material for positional superiority. Nice finish.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
The sac was definitely sound
Yep, opening looked good and once he made the mistake you made him pay and disemboweled his kingside. He didn't play great and that tenth move c4 was bad on so many levels, not least the fact it lost him a piece but it also took away all tension in the centre. Well played.

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well his name is never resign and as far as i can see he resigned....lol.well back to the threads topic you played really well i agree with gammy once he did c4 he was dead and im like wittywonka when i go a piece up i try and exchange off for an easy end game also but your sac was sound and you deserved the win i dont think you did anything wrong in that game you won off his mistakes.

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I likewise "turtle up" when I'm up material: safety my K, exchange pieces off, attempt to stifle any counter play, win the ending. I wouldn't have given the piece back there, it was unnecessary.

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Game 4362950
Sound sac, methinks 🙂

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I get even more reckless when I am ahead in material 😀

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Thanks for all the feedback so far guys I appreciate it immensely!

As for "turtling up" while up material, I too normally follow this logic. HOWEVER, with the endgame being probably the weakest part of my game right now, and playing a much higher rated player, I saw this sac and decided to go for it considering the significant attacking chances. I've had far too many games slip away because I was up material, simplified, and then missed one critical endgame move.

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Originally posted by scandium
I wouldn't have given the piece back there, it was unnecessary.
The fastest win is always the best win.

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