Originally posted by JusuhForst two moves was elementary, but for third I needed some 15 secs.
certainly it is easy as there are practically only two candidate moves to consider. question is how much would it take to find a forced mate or forced win. Bg8 line was also the one I found, but actually there is another way to win too. matter of taste.
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemGood for you. I think hardly anyone can solve it under 5 seconds thou. And what I mean with that is to calculate a forced mate, not just have "a feeling" that there is a win. Although the other line that leads to forced mate (Rxg7+ etc) is definitely easier to calculate than Qxh6 line
It took me about 5 seconds, and I'm hardly a GM...
now that Ive had couple hours time to examine the position, I found an yet another win. Rh4 wins too. very hard too see how, but if you keep studying it for hours you might see it.
very clever position indeed. although after first glance one might get the impression that white is lost (after all his queen is pinned) there are three different ways to win for white.
Originally posted by Crushing DayIt took me about 5 seconds to find the mate (for white). It doesn't seem possible for anyone, even a Gm to get a whole lot faster than that in these types of positions. However, GMs probably can solve positions in seconds (like 30 or 40) that would take class players 10 minutes or so.
[fen]5r2/2p3pk/1r1p3b/p1q1p3/6R1/P2P1p2/BPPQ1P1P/2K3R1 w - -[/fen]
I've often wondered how long it would take an IM or GM to solve this position (or any other complex position)-- seconds, or minutes?