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how to attack the fianchetto

how to attack the fianchetto

Only Chess


The Yugoslav attack in the Sicilian i suspect is kind of like the epitome of how to attack the fianchetto position, we launch the h pawn, try to swap off the bishop, crack open the h file etc etc I am trying to find out if there are other methods. I have read that sacrifices on f5 can work in the case of playing against a black kingside fianchetto but I am having trouble finding games where this is the case, anyone know of any or have a method of attacking the fianchetto they have found practical?

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The Yugoslav attack in the Sicilian i suspect is kind of like the epitome of how to attack the fianchetto position, we launch the h pawn, try to swap off the bishop, crack open the h file etc etc I am trying to find out if there are other methods. I have read that sacrifices on f5 can work in the case of playing against a black kingside fianchetto ...[text shortened]... case, anyone know of any or have a method of attacking the fianchetto they have found practical?

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The Yugoslav attack in the Sicilian i suspect is kind of like the epitome of how to attack the fianchetto position, we launch the h pawn, try to swap off the bishop, crack open the h file etc etc I am trying to find out if there are other methods. I have read that sacrifices on f5 can work in the case of playing against a black kingside fianchetto ...[text shortened]... case, anyone know of any or have a method of attacking the fianchetto they have found practical?
They'll counter the Yugo by sticking an N on c4 and P on h5. But you can still capitalize on square weaknesses by playing 9.0-0-0! instead of 9.Bc4.

Here was an interesting example from a recent game of mine. I don't think I played the most accurate moves at the end, but a W is a W.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
They'll counter the Yugo by sticking an N on c4 and P on h5. But you can still capitalize on square weaknesses by playing 9.0-0-0! instead of 9.Bc4.

Here was an interesting example from a recent game of mine. I don't think I played the most accurate moves at the end, but a W is a W.

[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com" ...[text shortened]... 7 Re8+.} Bf4 38. hxg6 Rb1+ {Some spite checks before death.} 39. Kc2 Rc1+ 40. Kb2 {1-0 }
This will come in handy for our current game in the sicilian, much obliged 😉

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
yes this is a very famous game that I was aware of but its an orthodox h pawn attack and exchange sacrifice. I am looking for sacrifices on f5! if black blocks the h file with h5. Games like this.

Ivanchuck v Serper

I also believe there is something termed the Benoni hop where a knight sacrifices itself on f5 if the conditions warrant it but i can find no games with the idea.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
They'll counter the Yugo by sticking an N on c4 and P on h5. But you can still capitalize on square weaknesses by playing 9.0-0-0! instead of 9.Bc4.

Here was an interesting example from a recent game of mine. I don't think I played the most accurate moves at the end, but a W is a W.

[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com" ...[text shortened]... 7 Re8+.} Bf4 38. hxg6 Rb1+ {Some spite checks before death.} 39. Kc2 Rc1+ 40. Kb2 {1-0 }
very interesting but i am more interested in the concepts in a generic sense rather than explicit theory although i do thank you for a very interesting game.


Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
This will come in handy for our current game in the sicilian, much obliged 😉
Karma will get you for sure!

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Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
This will come in handy for our current game in the sicilian, much obliged 😉
Heh, I am more than happy for people to copy the black side of that against me. 🙂

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
T... have a method of attacking the fianchetto they have found practical?
Whenever playing against a fianchetto it’s always worth considering if you can give up a rook for the bishop.

A couple of examples

White sacs:
Karpov - Malaniuk, Moscow 1988

Black sacs:
Anand - Topalov, World Championship match 2010

Probably quite rare in the Yugoslav Attack, though, since White would typically be looking to castle long.

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With the standard 9. bc4 line of play for white against the Dragon does 14. g4 now replace 14. h4?

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