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How to break through?

How to break through?

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I won on time but I could not find a way to break through in the end... was my sacrifice incorrect?

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Originally posted by tomtom232
[pgn][Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.chessatwork.com"]
[Date "2011.1.19"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Daunting"]
[Black "tomtom232"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Bf1-c4 Ng8-f6 3. Ng1-f3 Nf6xe4 4. d2-d3 Ne4-d6 5. Nf3xe5 Nd6xc4 6. Ne5xc4 d7-d5 7. Nc4-e3 Nb8-c6 8. O-O d5-d4 9. Ne3-c4 Bc8-e6 10. Rf1-e1 Qd8-h4 11. g2-g3 Qh4-h3 12. Qd1-f3 O-O-O 13. Qf3 ...[text shortened]... I could not find a way to break through in the end... was my sacrifice incorrect?
Instead of moving your queen, you should swap her and fork Nxc2 next.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Instead of moving your queen, you should swap her and fork Nxc2 next.
I saw that but I made a sacrifice this only gives me back a rook for a knight and I am still down a piece and the position has lost all of its energy. I think maybe I should have sacced the knight instead of the bishop.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I saw that but I made a sacrifice this only gives me back a rook for a knight and I am still down a piece and the position has lost all of its energy. I think maybe I should have sacced the knight instead of the bishop.
After the swap and his rook for your knight, you are still rook and three pawns up for your night and bishop down. I rather be black than white in this new position.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
After the swap and his rook for your knight, you are still rook and three pawns up for your night and bishop down. I rather be black than white in this new position.
Yeah I guess so. I just was looking for a mate.... It seemed like there was one somewhere.

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22. nxf2

You don't need to necessarily trade off queens. If whites queen leaves the light squares(and the knight doesn't cover f3) then you have a mate with the queen on the light squared diagonal.

After 22. nxf2 are you winning an exchange or just winning a rook for free?

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Originally posted by erikido
22. nxf2

You don't need to necessarily trade off queens. If whites queen leaves the light squares(and the knight doesn't cover f3) then you have a mate with the queen on the light squared diagonal.

After 22. nxf2 are you winning an exchange or just winning a rook for free?
Yes 22.Nxf2 is better than trading first and I guess I should have played that but I figured I had a mate somewhere.

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what happens after 22 r-f6!?

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Originally posted by erikido
what happens after 22 r-f6!?
I think best is 22...Nxg2

This forces white to give up the rook on e1 with tempo because the queen can't take the knight since that would give up control of the f3 square leading to mate. Also 23.Rd5 will still allow the winning of the rook.

But 22...Nxc2

This allows black to move the e1 rook to move but still if 23.Re5 then 23...Qd1+ and you still win a rook.

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