On the back of that cheating f. wit in this forum discussion and David howell getting dropped from the England team in the Olympiad after the match against France where he was cheated also. - This guy is real good, up there with Short & Adams.
White: Howell Black: Pritchett
Cork 2005
Sicilian Defense
1, e4 c5 2, Nf3 e6 3, c3 d5 4, exd5 Qxd5 5, d4 Nf6 6, a3 Nc6 7, Be3 cxd4 8, cxd4 Be7 9, Nc3 Qd6 10, Bd3 0-0 11, Qc2 Bd7 12, 0-0 Rac8 13, Rad1 Rfd8 14, Rfe1 Be8 15,Bg5 g6 16, Qe2 Nd5 17, Ne4 Qc7 18, g3 Bxg5 g6 19, Nexg5 Qb6 20, Bb1 Nce7 21, h4 Bb5 22, Qd2 Nf6 23, h5 Nxh5
24, Nxf7. the start of a ferocious attack.
The French team in a past Olympiad had a player who cheated Howell for the win in a game that stopped England's progress.
Howell was dropped from the team as a result (he is 19 years old then), he ran the game through an engine later in the day to see were he went wrong and the results were 100% on every move his opponent made. They were signalling the French guy from an auditorium at the arse end of the arena it was later revealed.
Suffice to say he was seriously pissed off and still is to this day.
Yeah, I'd like to smack that blond chick hard on that ass cheek.
The game finished: 24... Kxf7, 25 Qh6 Rd5, 26 Re5 Rh8, 27 Ng5+ Ke8 , 28 Rxe6 Rd6, 29 Bxg6+ hxg6, 30 Qxh8+ Kd7, 31 Rde1 Rxe6, 32 Rxe6 Qc7, 33 Rxe7+ Kxe7, 34 Qh7+ Kd6, 35 Qxg6+ Kd5, 36 Qe4+ Kd6, 37 Qe6 #
At 14 years old - He reached the Grandmaster norm in the Four Nations Chess League.