Game 3170465
For once I'm really happy with a game and I don't think I could have made any better moves. Could I have done this better? Did my opponent and I both miss any blunders? Any advice would be appreciated.
Originally posted by mrjonesvich321do birds fly? do stars blink? do canadians live in the woods?
Game 3170465
Could I have done this better? Did my opponent and I both miss any blunders?
you didn't make any major blunders. your opponent did.
Originally posted by mrjonesvich321You took full advantage of your opponent's mistakes. You should feel pleased with the game, but if you really want some comments that will help you improve, then post a game where you lost!
Game 3170465
For once I'm really happy with a game and I don't think I could have made any better moves. Could I have done this better? Did my opponent and I both miss any blunders? Any advice would be appreciated.
You never need to play perfectly, you only have to play better than your opponent. Which you did quite well in this game. The only real improvement I see is 11.O-O or g3, which save the g-pawn. 19. f7+ Ke7 20.Ng6+ is a later alternative, but 19.Nf3+ works well enough.
I'd prefer 21.h4 first instead of 21. Rf5, that way on Bxg5, hxg5 protects the passed pawn. Doesn't really matter at that point though.
Originally posted by DawgHauswouldn't 19. f7+ Nxf7 make me lose the pawn as well as the knight if i capture the rook afterwards?
You never need to play perfectly, you only have to play better than your opponent. Which you did quite well in this game. The only real improvement I see is 11.O-O or g3, which save the g-pawn. 19. f7+ Ke7 20.Ng6+ is a later alternative, but 19.Nf3+ works well enough.
I'd prefer 21.h4 first instead of 21. Rf5, that way on Bxg5, hxg5 protects the passed pawn. Doesn't really matter at that point though.
The Knight's still on e5, so Nxf7 20.Nxf7+ followed by Nxg5. 19 Nf3 is more than sufficient, I just like the look of 19.f7+ Ke7 20. Ng6+ Kd7 21.Nxf8+ Kc6 (Kc8 looks worse). Here 22.Nxh7 Nxf7 23.Rxf7 White's two pieces up here vs. only a rook after 19.Nf3, although Black's development isn't as bad and you have lost the f-pawn. 22.Re8 may be even better, keeping the pressure on.