Every once in a while I or my opponent will make a move that generates a legitimate, out-loud laugh. Not because it's a _bad_ move, or a _silly_ move, but because it's, well, _humorous_.
Case in point:
Game 1040449
See my move 30 ... Qa7, "to block the advance of white's a-pawn."
Both rghulk and I got a good laugh out of this.
BTW, rghulk is severely restricting his games at the moment, because of work pressures. If you're interested in possibly playing him, private-message him first.
Originally posted by CrawlIceIn other words, the direct try for the discovered check was Qc5, which is much too obvious. Qa7 "to block the advance of white's a-pawn" was a poor attempt to disguise the threat. rghulk wasn't fooled (didn't really expect him to be) but, as I said, we both laughed over the attempt.
Qa7 threatens a discovered check, losing material, when the R moves. And this was NOT by accident. ;-)
Maybe you just had to _be_ there ...
Originally posted by CrawlIceAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
In other words, the direct try for the discovered check was Qc5, which is much too obvious. Qa7 "to block the advance of white's a-pawn" was a poor attempt to disguise the threat. rghulk wasn't fooled (didn't really expect him to be) but, as I said, we both laughed over the attempt.
Maybe you just had to _be_ there ...
Now, that makes sense! I also see the humor!
Would you believe there are actually sites that list/discuss the differences between British & American English?
From my bookmarks:
And of course Google will get you a bunch more.
All this at the risk of themejacking my own thread. ;-)
Originally posted by CrawlIceyep, and they do say 'British English', don't they?
Would you believe there are actually sites that list/discuss the differences between British & American English?
From my bookmarks:
And of course Google will get you a bunch more.
All this at the risk of themejacking my own thread. ;-)