I just started reading Gary Kasparov's book 'Kasparov Teaches Chess'. In Lesson 2 he analyzes a game between him and F. Gheorghiu. He stated the moves as below:
1 d4
1 ... Knight f6
2 c4
Now what I understood is that white moved its Pawn to d4 followed by Blacks night moved to f6. But after 2 c4 he wrote this:
"White impedes the free progress of d pawn to d5, as in this case after 3cd Black will have to choose between 3 ... Queenxd5 4 Knight c3, when White brings the Knight into play while Black has to make a second move with the queen, thus slowing down the process of bringing his pieces into action, or lagging behind in development, as it is customarily called."
In that paragraph, I can't understand the line "as in this case after 3cd". What does 3cd mean? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by kamranproMight be a typo... I think it reads 3. cxd5 as in:
I just started reading Gary Kasparov's book 'Kasparov Teaches Chess'. In Lesson 2 he analyzes a game between him and F. Gheorghiu. He stated the moves as below:
1 d4
1 ... Knight f6
2 c4
Now what I understood is that white moved its Pawn to d4 followed by Blacks night moved to f6. But after 2 c4 he wrote this:
"White impedes the free progres ...[text shortened]... e line "as in this case after 3cd". What does 3cd mean? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 d5
3. cxd4
Originally posted by kamranproIt means, move 3, pawn on c file takes pawn on d file. Most commonly abbreviated cxd4.
I just started reading Gary Kasparov's book 'Kasparov Teaches Chess'. In Lesson 2 he analyzes a game between him and F. Gheorghiu. He stated the moves as below:
1 d4
1 ... Knight f6
2 c4
Now what I understood is that white move ...[text shortened]... 3cd". What does 3cd mean? Any help would be greatly appreciated.