Originally posted by WanderingKingThat's a really nice game. I particularly liked the way you invited your opponent to go for the Rook on a8, it's really hard to turn down that sort of material. 🙂
A blitz game:
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3.Bc4 Nf6
4.d3 Bc5
5.h3 d5
6.exd5 Nxd5
7.Bxd5 Qxd5
8.Nc3 Qe6
9.Ng5 Qg6
10.Nd5 O-O
11.Nxc7 f5
12.Nxa8 h6
13.Nf3 e4
14.dxe4 fxe4
15.Nh4 Bxf2+
16.Kd2 e3+
17.Kc3 Qf6+
18.Kb3 Be6+
19.c4 Nd4+
20.Ka3 Qe7+
21.b4 a5
22.Kb2 Qxb4+ {my opponent resigned. I don't know how precise any of the above was.}