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I hate blunders...

I hate blunders...

Only Chess

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Been on here for 2 months about, figured one would happen eventually. Doesn't make it any better.

Game 9602057

So, I'm sure there are other blunders out there. So post your favorite blunder. Not just a game you messed up overall, but a single move that was just like, dang it! and you resigned from there.

A 5 second recall after hitting submit would be nice too. lol

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I would have at least waited till they moved before resigning, if you missed it, they might have too 😉

Here's one of mine against a friend who I play regularly to improve his chess. Sometimes, just sometimes, I mess up big time

4 edits
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Here's a really hideous blunder I made not long ago.

Ugh, I really hate this PGN viewer. It quits scrolling through the moves after move 18, and I can't get the comment for 20.Rf4 to show up no matter what I do.

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Originally posted by morgski
I would have at least waited till they moved before resigning, if you missed it, they might have too 😉

Here's one of mine against a friend who I play regularly to improve his chess. Sometimes, just sometimes, I mess up big time
[pgn][Event "Challenge"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2012.03.27"] [EndDate "2012.04.13"] [Round "?"] [White "RX8" ...[text shortened]... 7. Qd1c2 {not sure why I played on this far to be honest} 1-0[/pgn]
True, but after I saw it I figured they would and just thought I'd gracefully throw the towel in-it wasn't a clan or important tournament game luckily. Trapping your own queen with your own piece...ouch. lol

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Here's arguably my worst blunder, although I have [regrettably] made a few other howlers.

I played as black, so might be best to invert board

The game actually lasted 36 moves...
I am still yet to know when it is best,
or the most proper (polite) time to resign a losing game.

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Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
Here's arguably my worst blunder, although I have [regrettably] made a few other howlers.

I played as black, so might be best to invert board

[pgn][Event "Open invite"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2012.09.17"] [EndDate "2012.09.24"] [Round "?"] [White "imaginary"] [Black "64squaresofpain"] [WhiteRating "1364"] [BlackRating "1372"] ...[text shortened]... is best,
or the most proper (polite) time to resign a losing game.
Somewhere around move 11🙂 Playing on gives the impression you don't respect the other players ability to win when you are 9 or so points down.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Somewhere around move 11🙂 Playing on gives the impression you don't respect the other players ability to win when you are 9 or so points down.
Yeah, I guess I just don't like seeing games finish too soon...

Perhaps I'm just stubborn lol

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Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
Yeah, I guess I just don't like seeing games finish too soon...

Perhaps I'm just stubborn lol
Take a look at this game won by David Tebb, now in the 2400's:

White resigned at move 22:

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There wasn't a real blunder in that game though right?

Maybe white moved a few times without conviction, therefore losing the positional battle, but not a solid blunder like the ones we often mean...

Having said that, how can one solidly define a blunder in chess?
I've been in at least 2 different games where I 'blundered'... but happened to come out of the situation better,
either by trapping the attacking piece or being able to have a good pin/fork soon afterwards

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Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
There wasn't a real blunder in that game though right?

Maybe white moved a few times without conviction, therefore losing the positional battle, but not a solid blunder like the ones we often mean...

Having said that, how can one solidly define a blunder in chess?
I've been in at least 2 different games where I 'blundered'... but happened to c ...[text shortened]... either by trapping the attacking piece or being able to have a good pin/fork soon afterwards
Its all perspective. The stronger you get things that seemed like small mistakes start seeming like blunders especially when you start being able to see exactly how your opponent is going to take you down for what some would think was a "small" slip. The good news is that nobodies perfect and an equal strength opponent is just as likely as you to play a howler.


I love blunders, it's the only way I win!

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Originally posted by Eladar
I love blunders, it's the only way I win!
I could be argued quite convincingly that that is the only way any of us win... 🙂


Originally posted by morgski
I could be argued quite convincingly that that is the only way any of us win... 🙂
Except some smart arse might come along and point out that you can win on time. 😛

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