I just played a OTB tournament just a few days ago on the weekend. Earlier this year around early february I played much poorly compared to few days ago. Earlier this year I beat a person rated 1557, drew with 1151 and just got mowed in the opening against 1700's and other 1500's.
Just a few days ago I beat up a 1620, 1648 and 1690 rated player, resigned prematurely against a 1879 rated, drew against a 1611 rated (which was winning easily, I blundered in time pressure), and lost to a 2080 and 2076 rated (shouldve drawn, she was WIM). At one stage, I was one board away from playing GM Dejan Antic
Now tell me, is this just pure luck? Or have I really improved? Because the rating performance I got earlier this year was around 1250's compared to a few days ago 1800+ I am really confused to where my level is at. I can show you some of the games and you guys can compare. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.