I feel bad for poor Damiano.....just because he analyzed this defense of the e5 pawn, his name gets attached to one of the worst openings to actually have a name.
Game 599429
hehe,thread title quotes the funny AJ................
I personally like Damiano's trap..............when playing white😉Game 584920
Originally posted by TovMauzerYes, 3....Qe7 turns it back into a game again, but White will still have a firm advantage no matter how Black squirms. You just have to admit, when your choice of defense justifies your opponeent to sacrifice a piece on the third move, it's time to find another defense.
Damiano is surely not the best black defence, but commiting suicide with 3...fxe5 is not required:-) After 3...Qe7 it is not that easy.
Originally posted by RavelloYeah, I just looked at it as well. It makes we want to be certain I have the correct refutation down cold, because I don't want to ever have to think twice about punishing my opponent's 2.....f6. And I know that the way I handled it in the game I posted isn't quite correct, but fortunately it still worked out.
I've read the article and it was very interesting,didn't figured that someone used it in high level playing...........