Originally posted by EmLaskerWhy not? It worked for Richard Reti and seems to work for me sometimes.
Game 3722438
do you think it's a good idea to control the center from the flank?
Originally posted by EmLaskerYour question is ambiguous. Your game only portrays the use of fianchettoed bishops and passive, but flexible positions. Controlling the center from the flank is more than just fianchettoed bishops, which I am cure you are aware.
do you think it's a good idea to control the center from the flank?
Originally posted by EmLaskerBased on that game, it is best to undermine black center control. Whenever you fianchetto that's usually better. But I think Reti varitions intend for center control.
Game 3722438
do you think it's a good idea to control the center from the flank?
Originally posted by EmLaskeryour statement implies conceding a strong center to the opponent, which is not something one reccomends to novice chess players.
Game 3722438
do you think it's a good idea to control the center from the flank?
I play Reti a lot, almost in all my games against stronger opponents. Reti isn't just fianchettoeing your bishops, the main characterism is the first move 1. Nf3, which leaves a lot of possibilities open for white, is very flexible and, indeed, if used correctly, tends to control the center and the diagonals from the flanks. I might be wrong in some details here, but I've had some very strong and active positions in games where I played the Reti opening.