Only Chess
16 May 09
Originally posted by hunterknoxwasn't the awesome vipiu sac quite similar? only he threw the rook in first as I remember.
...and it turned out fine! I'm off to buy a lottery ticket.
[pgn][Event "RHP Blitz rated"] [Site ""] [Date "2009.5.16"] [Round "?"] [White "ckitselis"] [Black "hunterknox"] [Result "0-1"] 1. e2-e4 Ng8-f6 2. d2-d3 e7-e5 3. c2-c4 c7-c6 4. Nb1-c3 Bf8-c5 5. Bf1-e2 Qd8-b6 6. Ng1-h3 d7-d5 7. e4xd5 Bc8xh3 8. O-O Bh3-d7 9. d5xc6 Nb8xc6 10. B ...[text shortened]... g8 17. Be2-g4 f6-f5 18. Nd5xb6 Bc5xb6 19. f2-f3 f5xg4 20. f3xg4 Nd4-e2 0-1[/pgn]
Originally posted by greenpawn34OK, I admit it, I've based my whole chess career on yours. Now where's my rating points? got that idea from looking at my games. 😉[/b]
By the way, I picked up "Streetfighting Chess" this week on the strength of your review, greenpawn, and it's an excellent piece of work. Cheers for that too!
Originally posted by hunterknoxYou do already have a copy of Rampant Chess......Yes 😲
OK, I admit it, I've based my whole chess career on yours. Now where's my rating points?
By the way, I picked up "Streetfighting Chess" this week on the strength of your review, greenpawn, and it's an excellent piece of work. Cheers for that too!
Originally posted by greenpawn34Rampant what? never heard of it ; )
You do already have a copy of [b]Rampant Chess......Yes 😲[/b]
By the way Greenpawn, did you know that Elisabeth Paehtz has a signed copy of Streetfighting Chess? It's true : ) [Unfortunately she also has a boyfriend who is a Grandmaster : ( Oh well, she probably snores anyway]
Hope you enjoy the book hunterknox! Any feedback is always much appreciated. And DO get Rampant Chess - it's excellent. I read it all in one sitting!