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I squeaked out a draw, was there a win?

I squeaked out a draw, was there a win?

Only Chess

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For either side. Any comments welcome.

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20. e5 for white looks good....

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Originally posted by sonhouse
For either side. Any comments welcome.

[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2016.03.23"]
[EndDate "2016.03.29"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Marko Krale"]
[Black "sonhouse"]
[WhiteRating "1585"]
[BlackRating "1628"]
[WhiteElo "1585"]
[BlackElo "1628"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "11642099"]

1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 Nb8c6 ...[text shortened]... 4f4 Ng8e7 53. Kf4e5 Kg7f7 54. Nb2c4 Kf7g7 55. Ke5e6 Ne7g8 56. Nc4b2 Ng8h6 57. gxh6 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I can't see the move numbers as there is a bug in Safari that doesn't allow the moves to scroll, but I have another suggestion for white.

After the Queens are exchanged white played Re5-g5+. Instead of that move I would have considered Rxh5, if ..Kg7 e5 ..Kg6 g4 with the idea of bringing the knight to e4. Black may not play these king moves, but i put them in to illustrate that he is in danger of getting mated as the knight jumps c3-e4-f6 if he does nothing and the combination with the rook should be more than enough to force a concession (such as playing ..f6). By giving the Rg5+ you are in effect handing him the tempo he needs to avoid getting mated. Normally speaking it is stronger to capture the pawn by playing it the most forcing way (with checks to avoid giving black having a free move) but i think in this instance you might prefer the King on g8 in some variations...

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Originally posted by st40
20. e5 for white looks good....
I was surprised he didn't do that, was grateful for the gift🙂 At 48 N-b2, his knight was stuck to that square, making me effectively up a knight for two pawns and I knew if I captured those two remaining white pawns it would have been a dead draw and that is what happened. His knight was out of the game from move 48 on.

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During end games like this, I like make the opponent's focus be scattered throughout the board, when I have a pawn advantage.

Move 36:

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Originally posted by vivify
During end games like this, I like make the opponent's focus be scattered throughout the board, when I have a pawn advantage.

Move 36:

[pgn][Date "????.??.??"]
[Result "*"]
[FEN "4rr2/5k2/p3R3/1p1P4/2n5/2N3P1/P5KP/4R3 w - - 0 1"]

1.Rf1+ Kg7 2.Rxf8 Kxf8 3.Rxe8+ Kxe8 4.Kf3 b4 5.Ne4 Nb6 6.d6 a5 7.Nc5 a4 8.Ke4 { And black's pieces will be spread thin trying to stop pawns. }
That looks like a win.

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