I suck...at blitz and when i don't...calculate and instead try to make fast decisions(usually without calculations and pretty much HOPE chess ). I was playing over the board casual fast game with my friend who has not played
for quite a while and i just simply blundered big time ( which is very embarrasing for me as that is not my usual standard of play) do you face the same problem as me ?
Also, when you play on the internet for an extended period of time, do you face problems adjusting to the large standard tournament board? i play all my games either on the internet or on the standard magnetic chess set that i have and i cannot adjust properly to the tournament set , which means that i have to spend a longer period of time trying to find out what is happening on the board( trying to fit regular patterns into what i usually see elsewhere).
Can anyone help me ?
Who doesn't suck at blitz (compared to slow play)??? Maybe some people thrive/are better at playing fast, but isn't it probably safe to say that the majority of players take a big rating drop when playing blitz? I say who cares? Blitz is pure fun to me. Why do I care if I lose when I've only invested a few minutes of my life? If I've spent 90 minutes trying to play sound chess and blow it all on one bad move, that's a whole different story- I'm pissed!
I love OTB blitz...it's fun, exciting...but I don't think I learn as much from it as I do from slow games. "OOPS, there goes my Queen...oh well..." How often does that happen in slow play?
As far as computer vs. OTB, I think what you train extensively is probably what you'll get better at.
I'm hardly some pro, far from it, but I know I'd choke big-time in an OTB tournament just because of the pressure; a real chess set and a live human looking at me when I think. I don't feel this online. I suppose only more OTB play can get you prepared for the psychological aspect...
I've also heard many coaches say this- if you can't spot all the basic tactics all the time during slow play, playing faster surely isn't going to help your game. I'm certainly not there yet.