Originally posted by ChessPraxisI would also like to thank greenpawn for his fantastic input, SwissGambit for his insanely hard and annoying puzzles and anyone with the word 'Rook' in their username.
I would like to thank greenpawn for his many contributions to these threads.
Oh! I would also like to thank Gruve, Sever, swagmonger and USArmyParatrooper for being excellent Chess gaming partners.
If anyone is looking for a fun and challenging game, definitely choose these guys 😀
I would like to thank my mom and dad for the lifelong support.My close friends (you know who you are!) for the nights out drinking.And my ex-girlfriend for leaving me,though I didn't see it at the time you were right,best thing for both of us.
Also my cat for helping me with chess.
Originally posted by ChessPraxisi would also like to take this opportunity to thank robbie carrobie, hes by far the most handsomest and best dressed chess player on the site, his unselfish help to fashion victims has not went unnoticed - thanks a bunch robbie.
I would like to thank greenpawn for his many contributions to these threads.
Really we should be thanking that unknown group of Spanish Nobles
who took the game and jazzed it up by increasing the powers of the
Queen and the Bishop in the ealry 1400's.
Without them I doubt chess would have caught on like it has and none of
us would ever know each other.
I cannot imagine what my lfe would have turned out like without chess.
It's not something I did and do in my spare time.
Getting got married, having kids and working......these are the hobbies.