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importance of a solid endgame

importance of a solid endgame

Only Chess

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i feel i could have gotten the victory if i had a solid endgame.. any feedback appreciated

[Event "JRDraw"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2006.10.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "jasonrichardson"]
[Black "GaranhunsGladiator"]
[WhiteRating "1263"]
[BlackRating "1263"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "2667327"]

1. d4 d6 2. d5 Bc8f5 3. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 4. Nf3d4 Bf5e4 5. c4 c6 6. dxc6 bxc6
7. f3 Be4xb1 8. Ra1xb1 Qd8a5 9. Bc1d2 Qa5xa2 10. e4 e5 11. Nd4f5 Nb8d7
12. Bd2e3 g6 13. Be3h6 gxf5 14. exf5 Bf8xh6 15. Bf1d3 Bh6e3 16. g4 O-O-O
17. Ke1e2 Be3d4 18. Qd1c2 h5 19. Rb1a1 Qa2xb2 20. Qc2xb2 Bd4xb2 21. Ra1xa7 Nd7b6
22. Ra7xf7 Nf6e8 23. h3 hxg4 24. fxg4 Rd8d7 25. Rf7xd7 Nb6xd7 26. h4 Ne8f6
27. g5 e4 28. Bd3c2 Nf6h5 29. Rh1h2 Nh5f4 30. Ke2e3 Bb2c1 31. Ke3xe4 Rh8e8
32. Ke4f3 Nd7e5 33. Kf3g3 Nf4h5 34. Kg3g2 Ne5xc4 35. Bc2b1 Nc4a3 36. Bb1a2 Re8e2
37. Kg2h3 Nh5f4 38. Kh3g3 Re2e3 39. Kg3f2 Re3e2 40. Kf2g3 Nf4h5 41. Kg3h3 Nh5f4
42. Kh3g3 1/2-1/2

5 edits
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why not do this!

Game 2667327

click on "Reply & Quote" to see how i did this.

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Originally posted by flexmore
why not do this!

Game 2667327

click on "Reply & Quote" to see how i did this.
i figured cut and paste might be easier if anyone wanted to stick it in an engine or something, but thanks for the tip, ill keep it in mind next time..

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you were two pieces up and took a draw!

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Originally posted by wormwood
you were two pieces up and took a draw!
like i said, it was a lack of endgame on my part..

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Originally posted by GaranhunsGladiator
like i said, it was a lack of endgame on my part..
lack of middlegame I'd say. 🙂

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Originally posted by wormwood
lack of middlegame I'd say. 🙂
was it? thats why i posted, i wanted some feedback..

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Originally posted by GaranhunsGladiator
was it? thats why i posted, i wanted some feedback..
Why exactly weren't you willing to trade the rooks and just win by promoting a pawn? It's such a slaughter that that hardly even qualifies as an endgame, it wouldn't take any knowledge to figure out how to win it. 🙂

That's not meant to be an insult, just something to think about next time before you accept draws in situations like these. You should notice that situations like this give you a chance to simplify and have an overwhelming advantage.

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Originally posted by GaranhunsGladiator
was it? thats why i posted, i wanted some feedback..
you were crushing him, the only vague threat he had was the advance of his three connected passed pawns. you should have exchanged rooks, then weakened and destroyed/blocked his pawns, then push your two connected passed pawns to victory.

with three pieces against his remaining one, you could've even stopped his pawns by saccin one or even two of them to stop the pawns, and he still wouldn't have had any chance to stop your pawns.

when winning, eliminate your opponent's possibilites. don't go for the flashy complicated win, instead simplify and take the points. remember the bond movies where the evil mastermind always gives bond the chance to escape by setting up needlessly complicated 'executions'? don't do that. no flashy stuff, don't give them any chance. stop him, block him, and put a bullet in him. no lasers or trapdoors with sharks or mutant trouts. not even if the trouts are very fierce.

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I suggest you load the game into some engine and try to beat it, I think you'll find out it was an easy win, all you have to do is trade rooks bring your king closer to his pawns and start pushing your own. He can't stop your pawns with only a bishop, he can only sacrifice the bishop for one of the pawns and even if you lost both pawns for his bishop you could win all of his pawns and mate him with 2N and B,even if you don't know how to mate with that kind of material this is cc chess you had enough time to research it.You were in no danger of loosing, you had to blunder horribly even to allow him a draw.

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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
... this is cc chess you had enough time to research it.
i admit this is a problem of mine, i should take more time to think the moves through..

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Originally posted by wormwood
when winning, eliminate your opponent's possibilites. don't go for the flashy complicated win, instead simplify and take the points. remember the bond movies where the evil mastermind always gives bond the chance to escape by setting up needlessly complicated 'executions'? don't do that. no flashy stuff, don't give them any chance. stop him, block him, and ...[text shortened]... or trapdoors with sharks or mutant trouts. not even if the trouts are very fierce.
Nice analogy. 😉

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Originally posted by lausey
Nice analogy. 😉
+1 on that

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Game 2006452
I spotted the win before I played 50. Bxf5.

BTW it will be checkmate in a few moves from the final position.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Game 2006452
I spotted the win before I played 50. Bxf5.

BTW it will be checkmate in a few moves from the final position.
nice move, i think i would have been a little more conservative

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