Just thought this game I played yesterday was funny. Check out white's position after his 10th move - slightly underdeveloped I'd say. It was also a checkmate with no captures in the game.
1. e2-e3 e7-e5
2. d1-h5 d7-d6
3. f1-b5+ c8-d7
4. b5-c4 d8-e7
5. h5-d1 g8-f6
6. d1-f3 d7-c6
7. f3-g3 d6-d5
8. c4-f1 b8-d7
9. g3-f3 e5-e4
10. f3-d1 e7-d6
11. a2-a3 f8-e7
12. b1-c3 o-o
13. g2-g3 d7-e5
14. g1-e2 e5-f3++