Was working in Reinfeld's 1001 winning sacs and combo's.Got this.
White to move
After the combination you get this position.
Black to move
Knight for 2 pawns,that wins.Right?
But white only has 2 pawns left making me doubt the win.So I tried and got no further than a draw.
Can it be won?
Originally posted by toeternitoeI wouldn't play 7.Na2 but rather 7.g4 (cutting the black King off from h5). Exchanging the white g-pawn for the black h-pawn is totally in whites favour as his king is then free to mop up the remaining black pawns. However, i think mistakes are made before move 7 anyway..
Was working in Reinfeld's 1001 winning sacs and combo's.Got this.
White to move
[fen]5rr1/pp1b1P1p/5Q2/3p3k/5K2/8/2P3P1/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
After the combination you get this position.
Black to move
[fen]8/pp1N3p/8/3p4/5K1k/8/2P3P1/8 b - - 0 3[/fen]
Knight for 2 pawns,that wins.Right?
But white only has 2 pawns left making me doubt the win.So I tr 3 Kf6 16. Kh4 Ke5 17. Kh5 Kf4 18. Na2 Kg3[/pgn]
Can it be won?
Edit: No i see what you mean, the more you look at the position the harder it appears. I'll have a longer look at this later, very interesting ending. 🙂 Just as a side note, promoting to a Queen instead of a knight appears to win a lot easier as black is forced to play ..Rxf6+ but after Ke5 he is losing another piece as the new Queen can give check and mop up either the bishop or the Rook depending on blacks response...
ke5 black checks on kf5 threatening to insert his bishop in the pawn chain and get his rook somewhere safer. Looks very drawish. . . but i would not leap to take on the position after the knight underpromotion either.
12 kg4 rather than pg4 forces the black king behind his pawn. Should then be able to swap of king side pawn before returning to wipe out the queen side and queening the remaining pawn?
that's not the only questionable solution.
I think Reinfeld wasn't too worried about absolute correctness.Of course,no fritz in those days.
It's good training nonetheless.Very good value for money too.
I don't think promoting to queen is an easy win.But in light of that knight ending it might indeed be a better try.
I tried Kg4 too.I had many tries,only gave one line as an example.
No matter what I tried I just cannot win it.
I'm surprised you haven't solved chess yet.Or have you..... 😉
Whta about me...I solved the thing.
User 234639 has not posted in this thread. 🙁
If that c2 pawn was on c3 that mate works without my cooky b5.
The thing has the skeleton of a study about it.
Now I mate when Black promotes. (with the pawn on c3)
There may be something in there after all.
Perhpas the diagram is wrong and the pawn is on c3.
Wait till SG comes on - he's good at these things.
edit 1😕G has just posted on another thread.
SG: Can we Zug black into playing d5 - I can get the Knight to the
key square without taking on d5?
Originally posted by greenpawn34Hehe, you can fool some people some of the time, but not all people all the time 😠
You guys can chase a-pawns with Knights till you are blue in the face.
I have a King, a Pawn and a Knight that is all I need....
[FEN "5rr1/pp1b1P1p/5Q2/3p3k/5K2/8/2P3P1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
. . . . . r r .
p p . b . P . p
. . . . . Q . .
. . . p . . . k
. . . . . K . .
. . . . . . . .
. . P . . . P .
. . . ...[text shortened]... 5 5. Nf3+ Kh5 6. Kf5 a4 7.g4+ Kh6 8. Kf6 a3 9. Nd4 a2 10. Nf5[/pgn]
( 😉 )
You lost a key tempo for black by playing b5. Replace that move by another a-pawn move, and black queens with a pin on the white knight, preventing the checkmate and ... winning for black.
edit. didn't check the following posts. my bad 😳
Originally posted by greenpawn34I guess you mean d4 not d5? This pin problem?
You guys can chase a-pawns with Knights till you are blue in the face.
I have a King, a Pawn and a Knight that is all I need....
[FEN "5rr1/pp1b1P1p/5Q2/3p3k/5K2/8/2P3P1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
. . . . . r r .
p p . b . P . p
. . . . . Q . .
. . . p . . . k
. . . . . K . .
. . . . . . . .
. . P . . . P .
. . . ...[text shortened]... 5 5. Nf3+ Kh5 6. Kf5 a4 7.g4+ Kh6 8. Kf6 a3 9. Nd4 a2 10. Nf5[/pgn]
( 😉 )